
Poll: WAT DO?

Dungeon Crawler 31% (9)
Overhead Shooter 27% (8)
GeneriQuest 41% (12)

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So, I've been pretty indecisive lately. There is 3 things I kind of want to make, but I'm not entirely sure what to do.

I kind of wanted to work on Generiquest more, but it is GENERIC, and boring as hell to make. The part of the game that is fun to make (the core of it) is finished, what is left is a rather lengthy and monotonous process of adding content. I cannot say I am fond of doing this, but if I force myself to I can.

Another type of game I've wanted to make for a long time is some sort of top down shooter. I've also always wanted to add lots of customization to a game like this, and possibly realism.
I tried this in the past with LONER. Problem is I got to the content adding part and kind of got bored of it.
That leaves some sort of round based game. I made a pretty cruddy zombie survival game (with heavy emphasis on reality) years ago, I could always do something like that. The other option is some sort of PVP game.
I have everything I need to make a game like this, and it could be playable within 1-2 weeks.

The final type of game is a Roguelike. The game would be typical, go into a dungeon and get to the bottom of it, because that is what you do.
The only difference is it would use a system I made a while ago that is basically how D&D works (with some modifications). Character creation/customization would be the same, and combat would be very similar (the game would not be truly turn based until you enter combat, then it is turn based for people in combat using similar rules to D&D).
I have some of what I need for a game like this. It'd take maybe 1+ month to have something playable, and a few more to be totally finished.

These are pictures of the system I currently have, to show you what character creation/customization would be like.

So. What do I do? Any suggestions, comments or ideas?
Add a generically random content generator to generiquest? :D :D :D
You are fuckin amazing when it comes to game design and its quality