This isn't the case, it seems to move 2 pixels for every pixel I move the hot spot in, making me have to do calculations to where I should put my hotspot to get it to display at the correct location, or since it's every 2 pixels, simply close to the correct location in some circumstances...
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Set a hot-spot for an icon & have it set in some way to be the icon, such as mousing over a player.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
The icon has no icon state & is's hot spot is set where I want it to be...the hot spot is set on the pixel I want to be at the mouse coordinates(x/y)
Expected Results:
It will display the icon using the hotspot as the pixel that should be at the mouses x/y coordinates.
Actual Results:It seems you don't set the icons hotspot where you want the pixel to be at on the screen, you start from the top left, then move the hotspot about half-way to where you actually want it to appear on the screen.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?Every Time
In other games?Yes
In other user accounts?Yes
On other computers?Yes
When does the problem NOT occur?Always
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
Un-tested....will be doing further testing soon.
Workarounds:Set the hot spot about half-way, move the icon around in the icon itself until you get the desired result, don't use custom mouse pointers...