(See the best response by Kaiochao.)

Problem description:

Well I have been trying to work with mouse pointers for a while now, and have been having little luck getting it all done, so i'm just basically going to ask...

What are some of the things I should look up when working with mouse pointers...?

---A few things I need to do are...

Set the mouse pointer(likely when someone mouses over different objects, starts to drag certain objects, or at times maybe even mouse over parts of the screen...possibly using something that is invisible visually but is still letting me have an icon for mouse-over & drag.

Fine tune where in the image that the image should be pointing at...right now i'm having problems doing this, the icon is showing up, but the pixel I want to act as (being where the mouse is on x/y coordinates) is not even close to where it shows now. It's more like 16 pixels right, 4 pixels down. I can't move it in the icon file because it's already as big as the icon itself.

---What would I need to do for that, just create a bigger icon but try & center it to the exact pixel I want, or is there an actual way through code?

Anyways as for setting the mouse pointer, is there a way to basically change icon states for the pointer? Now I have all the icons I need for everything, but I don't want to create a new icon file for each different there a way to keep them consolidated but still use the different states from it?

---I know you can set mouse hand, active, inactive, etc and set the mouse that way & those states will apply even in your icon file, but is there a way to do for example, Mouseover Player, Mouseover Enemy, without 2 different icon files for a single state to each?

-------That's some of the basics, telling me or linking to references are both acceptable, I want to learn, so i'm willing to look it up, but I've tried looking up a lot and didn't get so far, just tell me what I should be looking for, or link me to references that will help me with everything.

Thanks in advance!
Best response
The reference has a ton of pages regarding mouse icons. For instance, every atom has variables that change the mouse when the mouse interacts with them certain ways.
In the icon editor, you can set the Hot Spot, which is the actual position of the mouse.