I've contacted ATP Hosting but currently waiting on a reply. In the meantime we've been trying to get the lufika.com server working again; you may have noticed it came online for a few minutes yesterday.
As far as we know the server is ready to go, I would have liked to started testing today but unfortunately I'm away this weekend. It probably isn't a good idea to release something I'm not there for. When I get back I'll be looking to get it up immediately.
Unless something goes horribly wrong we should see DMO up for testing next week. Please don't get your hopes up too much, very little of the game is done but having player feedback will keep me motivated and pushing forward instead of tweaking unimportant things.
Here's a couple of screenshots showing basic interface. Obviously it's unfinished and still in alpha phases.
Lobby: Duelists will create a "room" with specific options. Other duelists can join this room, when the host is ready they can start the duel.
Currently just plain text but will eventually have a more appealing interface.
Dueling: Most of the game will use this same interface. Messages along the bottom, controls on the left and map on the right.
I haven't finalized anything because I want player feedback and ideas before I invest too much time finishing the interface.
A taskbar along the bottom will have buttons and notifications, probably some messages and whatever else players can come up with that fits well. Essentially I want a nice clean way to display information.
Most of the interface is adjustable. Keeping everyone happy.
The buttons are just kind of dumped there for now, as I update and gather feedback it will be nicer and easier to use.
Screen resolution will affect card clarity, obviously low resolutions will have to shrink the map while HD monitors will display it larger or actual size. So far it looks good 1024x768 to 1920x1080.
Hopefully I'll see everyone next week.