Can a command-line argument to DreamDaemon be added that saves the pid of the process to the specified file?
eg DreamDaemon -pid pidfile
![]() Oct 15 2010, 5:21 pm
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![]() Oct 19 2010, 3:41 am
Would be nice, saves the usual wrapper script I write to grab the PID afterwards and write to file myself.
This can be done by using the Start-stop Daemon,
This is to start it; /sbin/start-stop-daemon -d /path/to/game -p /path/to/pidfile/ -m -b -S -x /usr/local/byond/bin/DreamDaemon -- /path/to/game/game.dmb 1337 -safe -logself -quiet To stop it use: /sbin/start-stop-daemon -p /path/to/pidfile/ -K -s 15 |
Depending on a third party tool to provide pid access isn't what I'm interested in, also, start-stop-daemon is a Linux thing, and I don't care to find a suitable FreeBSD replacement when this could be implemented directly into DreamDaemon.