I probley wont be on that much because imma be with my girlfriend alot and i dont really want to put byond before her but anyway i have a feeling to code Naruto so my next game will be a Naruto one and after that and everything is all good with my Naruto game imma code DBZ guessing u guys want a new DBZ online but imma need some help with my new Naruto game
The First 3 Coders that can do a good job and that wont steal or anything get Owner.
The Others will get Co-Owners
Iconers will get Left Hand Owner
and GFX will get Co-Owner
and Hub Designer will get Co-Owner or Admin
If u can do any of these plz comment me ur key and ill get back to u or give me ur email
xD Fail... I dont think the game will be great cause you only favorite rips...
Kevin208 wrote:
xD Fail... I dont think the game will be great cause you only favorite rips...

i only favorite them cuz my friends r the owners and ur a Fail nub
'owner' and 'co-owner' are really equivalent terms, so I'm failing to see how you differentiate. The 'co-' prefix means joint or mutual.
Iconers will get Left Hand Owner?
Galactic Soldier wrote:
Stephen001 wrote:
Iconers will get Left Hand Owner?

Basically, they'll saw off the owner's left hand and give it to them.

Lol no Left Hand Owners are like Owners but dont have all the verbs and like its a title for those who have done alot in the game and knows how to help people
Guess who's back again? hj32853 ill icon or do hub design maybe both