In this release...
3 Resolved Bugs
13 Feature Additions/Changes
1 Documentation Additions/Changes
Total Users: 408
Total New Users Since Last Version: 26
Total User Visits Since Last Version: 96
Total Bonuses Given: 14675
Total Bonuses Given Since Last Version: 1275
Total Asset Submissions: 106
Total Approved Asset Submissions: 69
Total Asset Submissions Since Last Version: 6
Total User Earnings: $92
Total User Earnings Since Last Version: $0
Total PopLava Earnings Since Last Version: $0
Total Withdraw Amount: $18.75
Total Withdraw Amount Since Last Version: $0
Total BYOND Referrals: 4
Total BYOND Referrals Since Last Version: 0
Change Highlights
- Send Private Messages to offline users
The new social features have been reworked a number of times. I would appreciate it if folks could test them and reports bugs and usability issues via "Send Message."
There are few highlights in this small release. I would have skipped the announcement altogether but I have something else to announce.
PopLava members can see a description of every change by visiting: Update - 10/10/10
Asset Highlights
- Dark Saber has lowered the price of his dynamic lighting library since last release.
Title: Lots O Turfs Pack
Author: branks
Demo: 102
Description: Contains 145 tiles ranging from grass, water, blacktop, sidewalks, houses, signs, lamp posts, gates, walls, manhole, and more.
What's Next?
Resource Center (RC) changes are going to slow down at this point. After a massive RC theme update, I intend on shifting my focus to a new project named "Project Manager" or PM for short. The PM will enable developers to manage their todo's and collaboration efforts in-house.
This new project is pretty massive and while I already have a large percentage done, I still have a fair chunk of work to get through before it can come online. Look for the change notes and regular status updates like I've been doing for the RC.
The RC can easily have a thousand more features added and I actually have several hundred in my notes. Please let me know if there is some absolutely must have feature via "Private Message" or in here. While I would love nothing more than to keep plugging away on the RC, I want to make forward progress on the overall vision as well. Speaking of which, I've promised to get a revision out soon and will do so before the PM work starts.
If your a regular user or follower of these efforts, please speak your mind and ask questions. I can't make or change anything when presented with silence. :)
Manual Poll: Should the Resource Center use a fixed window size 1024x600 (Supports NetBook users) which enables a cleaner look or should we use the current design which floats all content in the middle of unused space depending on your resolution? To give you an idea of what I see with roughly 1600x1000.
Connect: Resource Center
More: Info