So my membership is expiring in 2 days, and I'm okay with that. I was going to renew my subscription, but I have web space elsewhere and honestly what's the point?
What the hell BYOND, do you realize how many trolls are running rampant over the blogs? It's revolting; absolutely revolting. First off; ban non-members from commenting on other people's blogs. I don't give a good god damn whether or not non-members bitch, ultimately it doesn't affect BYOND's real community. If anything it's more inspiration to pay up.
20% of BYOND is filled with genuinely decent grown individuals, and the other 80% is ilk not worth mentioning. I'll post for development help elsewhere; on the interblags which aren't so heavily trolled.
So this is goodbye BYOND, until I finish a project. Or for forever;
Thanks to the few people who knew me and cared to establish legitimate dialogue, and thanks to the people with actual decorum. Fuck the rest of you.
Oct 4 2010, 7:24 am
I just caught up on this whole deal by reading your blog entries over the last week and for fuck sakes, you weren't getting anywhere if every minor pixel change had to be sanctioned by a public poll. Also good call on blaming it on all the non-members, surely throwing a handful of dollars at this website presents you a package filled with maturity and patience, am I right?
Also Comments #1 and #2 got it right, you exercised that power in your last post against gamemakingdude (a byond member too!), why not try it out further than shitfling at byond staff for people getting antsy with your public cries of attention to look at your spastic art. |
Asshats who are cynical know it alls are the reason I despise BYOND's community at large, it's an elitist nerd mindset. "I'm only going to type things that prove my intellect/knowledge/superiority over others." Congrats to comment #3 for falling into the "cynical know it all" category. :)
Non-members are the overwhelming majority of BYONDers. It's wise to not discriminate against them too much.
You can do this yourself.