(See the best response by El Wookie.)

Problem description:
I just don't know how to do this, what I wanted to do was allow people to rotate their view of the map east, west, north, south, possibly even northeast,southwest,southeast,northwest

I was pretty sure there used to be a way with perspective, client eye, or something else, but I don't see anything documented, no demos, or anything else...

My use case is people turn a direction their map turns with them so it looks like their actually facing that way while doing so, like for example they have a view of only whats in front of them, and then they turn, well, it gets annoying when they jump from the top of the map to the bottom because they turned around, they get confused, so their player should stay at one physical spot (on the screen)& their view of the world just changes/rotates to show as if their looking at whats to the south but the character looks always facing forward, towards whatever direction your facing.

Does someone know if this is still possible, ever even was, or what byond version it might have been in even, because I am really lost.
Best response
dir = SOUTH

If memory serves, this should result in what you want.
Yes, that's exactly it, thanks a lot...