I had a lot of family stuff going on and I wasn't able to get to completing any of it. However, most of the actual design and concept, and the horrible programmer art were finished. If you're curious, the game was to be called Black Hat Guy in which you were a mysterious organism shaped like a rather dashing hat. Your goal was to protect your base from hordes of green versions of yourself by utilizing two interfaces: a security interface which allows you to deploy and position automated defense systems, and a psyonic interface which allows you to control a floating pod in that you can use to directly attack enemies.

The psyonic pod would allow you to pick up enemies and toss them around at eachother causing damage to individuals and their squads. You had to protect your "energy fence" which would slowly deplete as enemies run into the fence and get obliterated. If the fence is destroyed you lose. If you survive long enough a convoy would arrive and attempt to rescue you. You'd have to protect the convoy until it reached the entrance of your base. If you successfully are extracted then you win!

Considering this was a really easy project to make I feel very ashamed!
I fell asleep at my keyboard within minutes of getting home from work and opening Dream Maker.