Free tunes!
I made these using Figure for iPhone.
They aren't anything to special .. they are pretty catchy IMO and could be used in a tetris like game or whatever you want.
Credit is appreciated but not necessary.
They are in .aif as this is what the app exported them as, the app is a lot of fun and this is my first time using it or any other sound software so C & C please!
Oct 24 2012, 12:03 pm
I rather enjoyed the first two works you presented here, might I ask how much effort is put into creating these with Figure?
In all honesty they took only 3 - 5 minutes with tweaking, the app makes it so easy, once I got the tune I liked I add a beat and sometimes some bass do some tweaking and push it out.
I'm aware that the other two song switch speakers I wasn't aware at the time of creation as I was using the built in speaker to create them, luckily with Figure you can erase any part of the song on the timeline be it the whole thing or just a seconds worth. I have also made some more :) |
In response to A.T.H.K
That's not too bad then, are there offered presets you're using to make these or do you just set various settings and have it made for you?