Keywords: blake, blarg, blue, css does it look ok? D: i know i suck at this kindya stuff >.>, i don't like all these color codes and stuff lol.
It looks alright.
No Trolls to nay yet? ;o suprised, very suprised.
Want me to TROLL!? Well i cant cause im not good at CSS
;o lol.
Yea-ers gotta yea.
ima Troll ;O
Oh no D: Don't troll me x.x
Thiss CSS makes me feel blue....
Sasukedogs25 can you G.F.X??
Lord-Ampro wrote:
Sasukedogs25 can you G.F.X??

Nope Lol, as you can see from my main pic i haz no skillz in GFX =/. Coding and mapping is really all i do.