Keywords: game_in_a_day
And the theme for the 2010 Game in a Day event is

Not Ninjas!

  • Not Ninjas
  • Metamorphosis
  • Base

From now until 48 hours from now, you must complete a game based on one of those themes, and then email it to me at Just to be clear, you only have to use ONE theme, and you will not get more points for using multiple themes. When you email me, you must include all the files I will need to compile and run the game, and you must also tell me the theme you would like to be judged based on (in case you used multiple themes). [Full list of official rules and judging criteria]


Not Ninjas! If you choose this theme, then you must make a game which is based on something about ninja - but not necessarily with ninja in it. Assassination and Stealth are good examples. A game where you play as a ninja and mindlessly kill things won't score well, but a game about a spy sneaking into a building to steal documents will. God help you if I see even one blond spiky haired ninja in an orange jump suit.

Metamorphosis. Another related, and acceptable, term is "polymorphism".

Base. If you choose this theme then your game must use one of the meanings of the word "Base". Just having a "home base" in a game isn't good enough; the home base would have to be the main aspect of gameplay. Be inventive with the word itself, but make sure that the theme directly effects gameplay.
Hmm. I'll discuss these themes!
I have a good idea but I don't know a way to program it. :D

Base. .

I could probably whip some sort of game involving making a pointless blog post on which Naruto base is better.

You know, that was one of the first directions that my mind went as well.
Cool, I'll get cracking tomarrow.
Oh great, I didn't consider that meaning of the word base. I'm completely doomed, aren't I?

Diaper man does not count towards the theme.
Let's hope so. Doom always brings excitement.
Though you have obvious reservations about one blonde, spiky-haired ninja, is there a possibility we could use two blonde, spiky-haired ninjas?
Go die.
Haha, Iain just told you!

/Middle School
Already have a pretty good idea of what I'm making. It's showtime!
Looks like ACWraith is going to have a lot of fun reporting on all the RTS submissions. And by fun I mean cerebral hemorrhaging.
Interesting. I have some thoughts, but my 24-hours will probably be beginning tomorrow, so they're not terribly developed. Considering a board game.
I think it would be more interesting if you leave the interpretation of all themes to the game makers. I would love seeing what people can come up with after hearing "not ninjas" (I see you've done so with the two other themes). ;)

As a side note, the first thing which came to mind when hearing "not ninjas" is a giant, loud, clumsy mech sent on a secretive infiltration mission. Do we have any takers?
Interesting themes, I'll see what I can cook up. Hopefully I'll avoid my yearly, complete fifty percent of my GiaD entry but then become busy, curse!

I'll post my progress, throughout the day, on my blog.
Mr.Peregrine if you wouldn't mind i would like to contribute buy purchasing a byond membership for whoever wins this.

So theoretically, you want a game about ninjas... without a ninja. Well doesn't that just scream naruto? Those guys are the furthest thing from the stereotypical ninja XD.

Metamorphosis aka polymorphism, I'm assuming you're not referring to the programming language way of thinking? Oooo a butterfly game! ty

Base... I know just the game for this :D Although I'm not sure if I'd make it.

Also, are these games going to get points for being single player or multiplayer? I mean I don't want to lose points because I decided to make a cool 1 player game.
Amazing idea!

Metamorphosis - You have a pet caterpillar, you click a button and it goes into a cocoon. Leave the game running for two weeks and it turns into a butterfly. Close the game and you have to start over.
That is just pure win.
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