Here are some bits and pieces of advice that I see many users should follow :
Speaking strictly DM:
When creating names of var's, proc's, verb's, etc. it's a good practice to follow this easy format : var_myVariable. (This part is completely optional and is only for personal preference: )You start with the type (var, verb, proc, obj, etc.) (This part is the major focal point in the format: )and follow it by lower-case and then Upper-Case the first letter of each following word.
So, obj_myFirstObject, verb_mySecondVerb, proc_objectDelete, etc. etc.
Not only does this clear the readability, but also stands as a process for handling things. If you see the word "var_myVariable", you'll know it's a variable to begin with. "obj_firstObject" will obviously be the first /obj.
Also, be sure to use commonly-used words. Don't go off and name a variable "var/x" or "var/as62345f". For example, if you have a variable to hold an X Coordinate, try :
Know the difference between a /client and a /mob.
A /mob is NOT directly the player. The player themself is the /client. Every user of BYOND who joins a game can only have one /client, and each individual /client can control multiple /mob's.
So, if you were to design an "Administration/Moderation" system, don't use /mob whatsoever since /mob's can change at any moment and thus the Administration/Moderation is either lost, or bugged.
Go with /client verb's. Not only will you easily be able to integrate them into buttons via the Interface, but they are more safe and secure.
Don't clutter up your code into as few /proc's and /verb's as possible. Spread them out a bit. Not only does this serve for readability but if a proc calls another proc but then fails, that second proc will still run, if you want it to.
There's also some more reasons why you would do this. Most commonly, the reason is debugging.
Do not spam your hub with large graphics and/or text that is very irrelevant. A prime example is the "Clans" or "Ranks" that most Anime-Games use. These should belong on a separate website, forum, or in-game.
Keep hub-related things as hub-related things, not in-game related things.
Avoid using as many /obj's and /mob's as possible. If you can, combine whatever you want to happen into one bigger /obj. Follow the Rinse'N'Reuse strategy. Don't delete an /atom that you can easily configure via run-time and reuse it. There is a limit on how many atoms you can have, keep in mind. Also, when players or /client's are not in the range of another /mob -- assuming that it is an N.P.C. or a Not Playable Character --, let it sleep. Give it a break, let it relax. It has no function whatsoever if there are no players to function with. Now, this does have it's obvious exceptions like /mob's handling certain things. I once used a system that had NPCs smart enough to carry on conversation with each other and follow a routine/chores list. The conversation part was obviously not called unless a /client was nearby.
Always keep track of what you are doing. Use the // and /* */ comment functions to keep a note of what something specifically does. For example :
mob/var/var_baseHealth = 0;
// The minimum Health of a player without bonuses/boosts/extra.;
mob/var/var_maxHealth = 100;
// The maximum Health a player can reach.;
When actually creating a big-time project or game, keep your resources and files organized. It's much more easier to locate something especially when your project grows. I generally use a sub-category such as :
etc. etc.
P.S. Sub-Categories : I mean folders within a folder.
Also, strictly speaking on Code... Try to develop your systems to be independent. What I mean by this is try to create your systems as if they were Plug'N'Play or Libraries. This will serve good use if you ever make another project or if you want to add/remove a system in your current project with ease.
It's also generally wise to produce a Design Document before actually developing your project. This includes information such as:
Project Name.
Purpose of Project.
Required Resources/Information for Project.
Procedure or Guide-Line on developing the Project.
On average, BYOND users will seek the help of pre-made Sources/Demos/Libraries/Code Snippets to use as the "Core" of their project. This is absolutely horrible and should never be done. Using another piece of code should and only should be used as a library and not the copy+paste+edit method most BYOND users use. You will learn little to nothing except how to edit code someone else made. This doesn't help you if you need to know how to make your own code if none are available. Try imagining you have no internet for a whole year and your project needs to be completed in two months. Yeah, sucks to be you. I'm not saying it's bad to use Demo/Libraries/Code Snippets, but don't abuse them. Key word : Abuse.
When generating/designing an interface, I notice many people are having a very difficult time create a One-Interface-Fits-All. Why? Because they aren't being creative. There shouldn't be a limit on your interface size. Remember that the default screen-resolution on just about every computer is 800x600. So stop basing your interface on greater resolutions and start basing them on the average default. Not everyone uses your computer, so think that way. Try not to clutter an interface with lots of output's and input's. The Statpanel is old and very out-dated to today's time. Start looking into grid's, label's, button's and etc. A small view or map-size is also a big no-no unless your game specifically requires it. Screen-Resolutions are becoming a big trend as newer monitors, GPUs and etc. are hitting the market with more performance and less limitations. So a small 8x8 view is going to hurt your players' eyes if they have a huge screen-resolution.
"Downloading Resources" versus "Actual Content".
If you for some odd reason have an abnormal download size to your game and yet it has very basic to boring game-play, you have a serious problem that needs attention. Your game should be as good as the download size. Avoid using huge audio files. The largest .mid I regularly listen to is 58KB. That's pretty good considering the song is quite long -- roughly 6minutes and some odd seconds. The .mid loads perfectly and plays perfectly without any choppy game-play or latency (lag).
The same should go for your Graphic files too. A large size for an image is very messy and I would recommend searching for Audio Compressors and Image Compressors.
Everybody does enjoy beautiful looking games. Well, that's nice and all but if the game has ugly game-play, it's only good for it's graphic quality. What tends to happen if a game is only visually-appealing? The visuals get ripped.
"A book cover can rock your world, but the cover should only compliment the quality within the story on the pages."
Okay so enough of DM Language and Programs.
Let's say you decide to make a blog post:
A) Do not go into detail about some tragic break-up between you and your lover. It is sad to hear and some people might feel bad or pay attention to you but that's just it. You make yourself appear to be an attention-loving freak.
B) Do not single an individual/group out and insult them. By law -- in many areas of the US and some of the world -- harassment over the phone/internet is considered a crime. It's name is Telecommunications Harassment a.k.a. Aggravated Harassment and you can be sued and have charges against you. Also, you plain out make yourself appear jealous and shows us you have a very weak mentality.
C) We LOVE development news. It doesn't matter if you added just one icon or changed something around, we love hearing the changes/additions/removal of things on your project/game. This is a game-developing community after all. Also, this improves your self-motivation as you'll most likely receive criticism. Speaking of criticism, take negative and positive equally. They show you the opinions of potential players/followers.
D) Do not just instantly post something. Do research. If you haven't noticed by now -- and you better know by now -- there are MANY search boxes located all around the BYOND website. If for some strange reason you cannot comprehend this, you shouldn't be asking questions or making posts. Do your research first.
E) Do NOT reply to the wrong person. There is a HUGE difference between clicking Person A's reply button and Person B's reply button. Replying to the wrong person instantly brings your post off-topic since it's not directed in the proper way. This is just one of the very basic things of group-conversation.
F) Do not review a game and leave out the actual review. Grade fairly and "Overall" actually means OVERALL. As in A + B + C / 3.
Do not review your own game, this instantly shows us there will be a lot of biased opinions.
Do NOT give away rewards for Donations. Donations are DONATIONS. They are GIFTS. Gifts have no "set-in-stone" that the giver should receive something back. This mainly applies to Fan-Based games -- yes, Anime is included in this as well as games like Bomberman Clones or Pacman Clones for example. You are NOT to profit from another individual/group's work. This includes Audio, Graphics, Code, Names, etc. etc.
You CAN however take in donations and leave it as that. You just cannot give ANYTHING in return. No special verbs, no special font color, etc. etc. The reason why I say this is because you never know what could happen, and it's been proven on multiple accounts that lawsuits and charges have been pressed for theft.
If by some absolutely unforgivable reason your ripped-game's source is leaked, you are out of luck. Or as they say "Shi- Out Of Luck." Because you just are. Don't complain about it, don't argue about it. There's nothing you can do because you don't own the rights to the original source in the first place.
Also, if you send out your source to someone else, be prepared that they will distribute it to others. It's common sense, don't trust people you don't perfectly know. There is NO good excuse as to why someone would need your source, icons, etc. etc. They should be able to produce what you require without anything to start with.
Also, please don't forget to become a Member today! Or, simply donate to BYOND -- Or me, if you really want to --, if you can to keep this glorious community thriving!
![]() Sep 22 2010, 10:41 am (Edited on Nov 20 2010, 5:21 pm)
![]() Sep 22 2010, 11:10 am
Yea+ , very nice, though i don't think the people who need to read this, will read it lol :)
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
If I could help just 1 person I would be proud. I'm sure you will :) nice post, nice effort put into it, very helpful, the yea squad will back you as well i think. |
I saw var_xPos and I immediately went 'no.'
That's just annoying as hell to type out. xPos is acceptable, but special characters are, well, annoying to use for variables (unless you don't use camelcase, then you probably will use an underscore). Also, prefixing var with var_ is redundant. that's like calling every proc proc_this() and every mob type mob_this. |
"Remember that the default screen-resolution on just about every computer is 800x600."
Lulwut? |
DivineTraveller wrote:
I saw var_xPos and I immediately went 'no.' It's not about the initial definition but using it elsewhere. Instead of having to re-think or re-look at what you initially named, you could be -- by natural habit -- using proc_healthIncrease() while still using var_healthIncrease += 10. It's mostly for the sake of legibility and being able to use a phrase/word more than once. |
Murrawhip wrote:
Lulwut? I'm a bit confused on this. Maybe I made a mistake and didn't account for the 640x480 resolution. But then again, I was referring to most modern PCs. |
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Murrawhip wrote: Oookay, maybe I'm misunderstanding you... The native resolution on most monitors out now is ~1920x1080. I believe the most used resolution right now is still 1024x768, though. |
Murrawhip wrote:
Oookay, maybe I'm misunderstanding you... You mean the native pre-configured resolution, like when you purchase a pre-built PC from Dell or HP or Acer? |
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Murrawhip wrote: Err no. I mean the ACTUAL resolution of the monitor - it's native resolution. Windows attempts to set your resolution to the native resolution by default. |
This post made me feel like reprogramming my whole game, and i might just do it. :) +yea
Murrawhip wrote:
Err no. I mean the ACTUAL resolution of the monitor - it's native resolution. I've never seen that happen in all my years of Windows OS ( Win95, Win98, WinXP, WinVista) unless the operating system was pre-configured by someone else. |
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Murrawhip wrote: If your OS does is not displaying in your native resolution, the image will not be as sharp as it could be. Your graphics driver will attempt to set the resolution to the native resolution of the monitor. This has happened for a long time. Resolutions of '640x480' are ANCIENT and I haven't seen one close-up for at least 5 years. You are mistaken. |
Murrawhip wrote:
If your OS does is not displaying in your native resolution, the image will not be as sharp as it could be. Your graphics driver will attempt to set the resolution to the native resolution of the monitor. This has happened for a long time. Exactly, you are thinking of pre-configured PCs with graphics drivers pre-installed. My point exactly. |
How about we just leave it at this: SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=20&name=LCD-Monitors Go find me a 800x600 (apparently the most used display), or better yet: a 640x480. Good luck. |
Anyways, it matters not what the native resolution is. It's safer to make an interface that fits all, if not all than most, resolutions instead of fixed-size interfaces.
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Anyways, it matters not what the native resolution is. It's safer to make an interface that fits all, if not all than most, resolutions instead of fixed-size interfaces. You do this by making a fluid interface that has anchors correctly set in a way that it expands according to your resolution. Native resolution DOES matter, because it's what the vast majority of computer users have their resolutions set to. |
Murrawhip wrote:
You do this by making a fluid interface that has anchors correctly set in a way that it expands according to your resolution. Having window elements expand according to resolution/size of the window is the whole point of not having to rely on specific resolutions. The minimum size, however, should be something that every PC is capable of obtaining in a resolution. Hence the it's safe to base the minimum size on 800x600. |