![]() Oct 19 2012, 4:18 am
this game is screwed up by having so much shit need you to subscribe to do
usage of tinederbox most cause i wanna lit mah fireplace. also groups but very little.
You do realize that the tinderbox is the greatest griefing tool ever created, right?
okay so im jealous about groups. also i build a wall and i wanna destroy it but i cant. the only way i know it could would be tiner. any other ways to destroy walls?
Only subscribers can create groups, but anyone can be invited to an existing group. This is to prevent too much spreading; if you want to be an important figure like a group leader, you should set yourself aside from others by supporting the game.
yeah but hardly anyone is on. also i hardly have any money. too much weapons and armors are for groups
i see kai needs money to host server. but im still a bit jealous about things. also minecraft seems like better investment as its only one time pay
2. What bonus features are you particularly jealous of?