Keywords: byondweekly
Sunday, September 19, 2010

I will start off by apologizing for the lack of BYOND Weekly issues as of late. School really threw me off, especially since I was a little behind even before school started. I'm back in the swing of things, though. So, you guys didn't come to hear me feel sorry about myself. Without further adieu, issue number five...

On The Front Page


Awhile ago this PopLava guy came along talking about, well, this thing he calls PopLava. He asked for some beta testers, and a lot of people really had no idea what it was about. As this Poplava thing developed, he finally released it to the public. The only problem was that people didn't know what it was about.

Starting with a post by Mikau, people began to question just what in the world this "PopLava Resource Center" actually is. PopLava, noticing all of this, made a post to explain what it is. I actually got on to take a look at what it was myself. It is, as you might have guessed, a resource center that holds all sorts of demos, libraries, art, etc, that we create and put on there. We can then charge for what we put on the resource center. Seems like another BYONDimes kind of thing. As BYONDimes failed due to abuse, it makes you wonder how far this will go. It's definitely a very interesting project, though, and it will be fun to see where it goes.

In Other News

Pascal's Challenge

SuperAntx made a post about a new game he's scrapped together that he calls Pascal's Challenge. The game's only a demo now, but it definitely has some potenital. It's a sidescroller game in which you're a boy with some weird gun, pushing obstacles to reach the end of the level. I love the character design sketches, myself. Plus, the look and feel are that of a true Indie platformer. Antx also mentions that he used Forum_account's sidescroller demo for the pixelized movement.

Sunday the 19th Version 1.4

Pandora Productions has released version 1.4 of their game, Sunday the 19th. Talking about it for awhile, they finally got it up and released. They've also already announced Version 1.5's things to come. I'm personally still interested to know who won the movie poster competition. There were some cool posters submitted. I submitted a cute little Star Wars poster because what's a room full of movie posters without Star Wars?!

Teka's CSS's

Teka123 has really been going crazy with new CSS's for the CSS Guild. Not only do they all look very nice, but Teka has been very consistent in making new sheets. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next! Most people don't want to make their own CSS's, or they just make a very simple one. That's why I find the CSS guild to be a great asset for BYOND members. Teka's latest CSS's include:


Lush Green CSS

Minimized Space CSS

The Bare Necessities CSS

Great work, Teka!

Mine RPG Sweeper

Forum_account, through the influence of Mamono Sweeper, created his new game that he calls RPG Sweeper. It's a really neat concept, really. It also works great with BYOND's default systems! The idea is the same as Mine Sweeper, only you're in an RPG-styled world and must reach castle to complete the level (the mines are now monsters). If you touch a spot with a monster, you lost a quarter of your heart. It's addicting, and it looks great. The only problem is that there are some issues with the placement of the monster tiles and non-monster tiles that can cause you to get into a pickle sometimes. Things to work out, but overall a great and fun idea!

NEStalgia's PvP Tournament

NEStalgia had a PvP tournament on Saturday this week. Silkwizard seems to be starting weekly tournaments, which is a great thing to see! It seems you can go watch the tournament and also take part in it. Hopefully he'll do another next weekend, so stay tuned!

There's also been some major updates in NEStalgia, so I suggest you check out the link to see what's up if you're a fan!

Fused Finale

ACWraith has recently released another game of his that he calls Fused Finale. It's definitely a very interesting game. Naturally, being an ACWraith game, the art looks great. The game, at first, is a little weird, though. It's a Dance Dance Revolution kind of game, only with arrow keys. It's very interesting. Once you get into it, it gets extremely addicting. It just takes a little while to figure out just what the heck you're supposed to do.

The Big Five

BYOND Action

No news for this week. I will be posting the next Character Battle early this week.


No news for this week.

BYOND Casual

Tiberath wrote a reminder post to warn the community that time is running out on BYOND Casual's Imagination Competition. The competition is basically about making an original casual-styled game. If you haven't done or decided to do anything yet, you're probably just about out of time anyways.


No news for this week.

BYOND Strategy

Follow ACWraith's Along The Tech Tree for all of your latest BYOND Strategy news! If you aren't a Tech Tree reader, I suggest you check it out!

This week's issue of BYOND Weekly is brought to you by... Optimism?

Always look on the bright side of life! Thanks, optimism!

Help is very much wanted by us at BYOND Journalism! Have an idea of something you could write up or do for the guild? Please do so! This guild is for the community, not just me and EnigmaticGallivanter here. You're all welcome to submit anything you'd like to the guild at any time! Until next week!
"You will never know what it feels like to be this happy"

Navigation will be updated tomorrow. Interview with Axerob this week.

Also HELP WANTED for back up writers and shit, etc,etc I will edit this comment to be better tomorrow.
And you still managed to miss Lummox's contest =(
Ganing wrote:
And you still managed to miss Lummox's contest =(

I just told him that, but right now. I don't know I just don't care I'm just fucking ecstatic that this is posted.
It's supposed to be a steam gun! The blue bar on the HUD represents your air pressure. Double jumping, dashing, and shooting all take up steam so you have to manage your air pressure while platforming.

The HUD and character sprite were never completed so it isn't very obvious in-game.
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
Ganing wrote:
And you still managed to miss Lummox's contest =(

I just told him that, but right now. I don't know I just don't care I'm just fucking ecstatic that this is posted.

xD well maybe what you guys should do, is have people submit articles for the BYOND weekly, review them and add them into the BYOND weekly. That way you don't have to do so much and they will be packed with info!
I'd like to help around if you guys would like, but I have no ideas on what to post yet.

Nice "weekly" issue once again Fugs ^_^
If you have had trouble understanding what to do in Fused Finale, please give me details so I can update the introduction. =)
ACWraith wrote:
If you have had trouble understanding what to do in Fused Finale, please give me details so I can update the introduction. =)

The intro is just fine for me. It just took me a little while to get into the groove of things, if you will ;)

MDC wrote:
I'd like to help around if you guys would like, but I have no ideas on what to post yet.

Whatever you can think of, feel free to submit. It could be some kind of contest, an interview, an article of some kind. Whatever floats your journalism boat. Heck, even something like a comic would do fine.

As for Lummox's contest, I didn't see it in the news for this week (that's from last Monday to Sunday) so I didn't put it on. Did I skip over it?

Hey Xuiryus here for Pandora Productions / Sunday the 19th.

Just wanted to say that the poster competition IS still going, we've just been so busy updating tons of others things it just fell into the background.

We'll be updating the cinema map in 1.5 or 1.6 of S19 with a new basement area + vents and all the best / winning posters!

All details here!
Xuiryus wrote:
Hey Xuiryus here for Pandora Productions / Sunday the 19th.

Just wanted to say that the poster competition IS still going, we've just been so busy updating tons of others things it just fell into the background.

We'll be updating the cinema map in 1.5 or 1.6 of S19 with a new basement area + vents and all the best / winning posters!

All details here!

um wat pister contest?
Mrloler wrote:
Xuiryus wrote:
Hey Xuiryus here for Pandora Productions / Sunday the 19th.

Just wanted to say that the poster competition IS still going, we've just been so busy updating tons of others things it just fell into the background.

We'll be updating the cinema map in 1.5 or 1.6 of S19 with a new basement area + vents and all the best / winning posters!

All details here!

um wat pister contest?

The one that Xuiryus linked to just below you.
well anyways im makin a game called fallout 3 game of the year ediion. anyone can help!((i hope xuiryus does)
Mrloler wrote:
well anyways im makin a game called fallout 3 game of the year ediion. anyone can help!((i hope xuiryus does)

If you want to recruit team members, request help on specific game needs, or advertise your skills, I suggest placing an ad on the Classified Ad forum.