
by Fushimi
F_Minigames allows you to easily add a minigame inside your game with a few lines of code.
F_Minigames: Minigames made easy F_Minigames is a library directed towards those developers, who are currently looking for a way to implement, with relative ease, a minigame within their own game, with just a few lines of code.

* This library uses the startup() procedure, which creates an instance for each minigame being hosted on. This can cause problems if a lot of those instances are running and being used, as it takes too much resources, plus the game continuously pinging each instance will cause a quite amount of unwanted lag.

**As of the v1.5 Update, this library includes a time limiter to only host minigames for the specified amount of time.
This limiter is minute based, if you want no limiter at all, set MinuteLimit to -1.

Terms of use

By downloading this library you are agreeing to the following terms:
1. You will not redistribute this source anywhere to anywho, unless: 1- He just asked you for the library or 2-You are given a direct link to the hub/download, or have mirrored it with proper credits

2. You understand that startup() creates a new instane of DD for each minigame that's being played on, and takes a little bit of your performance (probable lag). I am not responsible for the lag caused in your game since v1.5 (In which limiters have been added).

3. You can edit the content of this libary and redistribute it (As stated in #1) as long as credit is given, just a name is enough.
Thank you. usefull and very easy to use