In this release...
9 Resolved Bugs
11 Feature Additions/Changes
5 Documentation Additions/Changes
40 Total Submissions
Change Highlights:
- Created and hooked up an external watermarking tool which optionally applies the watermark when you submit.
- Added Catalog button to toolbar
- Added Recent History button to chat so you can jump into the fray a little faster
- When the Resource Center starts it will now reposition itself to where it last closed.
PopLava members can see a description of every change by visiting Update - 09/15/10
Connect: Resource Center
What's Next?
- Look into publishing on the hub
- I'm going to take some time out to submit a few more submissions.
- v1.8
If you don't know what the Resource Center is, please visit this page for more information.
If you become a member of PopLava by using the link over on the left, you will be awarded 250 Silver which can be used to unlock assets in the Resource Center. Please notify PopLava if you do this because I only check on occasion.