Each level is split into two sections. The first is a day on the job that tests players' reactions with a constant stream of travelers. The second half involves a diagnostic run by the terminal's management that tests memory. Each successful note in the diagnostic section increases the player's life bar.
[EDIT: Screenshots replaced.]
The key thing about the music at the moment is that there is no melody. Each song is constructed with harmonizing rounds. The player sings a bit one round and then sings something else as the computer sings that part in the next round. The only constant is the drum beat... when it isn't toggling between its two time signatures.
Honestly, playing a melody doesn't seem very interesting to me because of the repetition. With randomized music, there's no reason to learn how to play any individual song. That said, I might add more constants to noodle over at some point.
I'm curious about what others think about the songs. I think they resemble ambient science fiction movie music. That's handy for the theme, but not always what people want to listen to.
Meanwhile, how's the balance? I think the game is usually rather easy, but I had to quit early in order to get back to implementing it. I'm thinking of allowing players to start new games at any level they have reached before.
As the post title states, this is my entry to BYOND Casual's Imagination Competition. Please download and play Fused Finale before Sunday so that I may have the opportunity to update it.