As you see in the title, I'm curious to know if there are any legit anime game developers on byond anymore(I have another account, so I'm using past tense)? And I don't mean any of you people who work off of anime games previously created by someone else. I know that the majority of the byond community criticizes anime games with an overall negative intent. But I'm curious as to where the anime faction of byond is heading. Give me your thoughts in a comment. I want to know what everyone has to say about this, but please try to refrain from raging, racial slurs and arguing (unless the argument is done in a mature discussing type of manner).
![]() Oct 15 2012, 1:56 pm
No, by legit I mean a person who doesn't pose as an actual game creator when they actually just copy and paste codes, icons, GFX, etcetera. Or doesn't even know how or where to start an original anime game. Well, any type of game to be frank.
I don't know how an anime game can be original, when a game based on any other persons work would be derivative.
The only way an "original anime game" would be possible on BYOND would be if the creator of an anime were to adapt that anime into a BYOND game themselves. Take away the anime trappings and all that's left are generic top-down action RPG's. |
You didn't have to be so crude towards what I said. Common sense should have let you comprehend what I meant by original. The meaning of original that I'm referring to is going towards originality of resources, the base ideals are of course non-original. If they were, I highly doubt they'd be posted as anime/anime based games. And I wasn't asking my errors in the post I made I was asking your opinion on where and how you think anime games and anime game developers are headed on byond. Please stay on-content Jaredoggy.
From what I've seen, they're lessening due to the lack of talent or motivation/resources to do a decent project.
Not many people who work on anime games are skilled programmers; though I see a lot of decently skilled people in the art feild, none of them are really willing to work at the game, it would seem. A lot of people claim they want to make a game, which I'm sure they do. Not many people want to work on a game. |
You have no idea. We've worked..SO purge byond of these Anime we begin to see the fruit of our efforts. O.O
All joking aside, it results in a lack of fresh awesome sources for rippers because unfortunately even they've seen so many rips and you can only rip GOA/etc so many times before "Has punching bags!" gets old. Lack of talented developers, not in the sense of born talent but talents that have been fine tuned and worked on. Last and Most important is they aim for projects that take a dedicated organized developer 3+ months and those projects are gigantic in scope. Unfortunately I've yet to see a somewhat complete an current "MMO": -Eternia, A highly anticipated game that even I looked forward to for over a year is still an RP server which is cool but it's plagued with bad administrating staff due to lack of player to developer communication. My multiple post to their community, to moderators, and even suggestions on forum have been deleted. (I was never even banned from the game...) -Spirit Age, Drooled over by it's BYOND crowd with incredible artwork and the later released demo had a sleekness so beautifully done that I thought, "This game could seriously be something that would appeal to people outside byond." (I'll get to NEStalgia in a sec xD) The game has also been in development for a year+ (correct me if I'm wrong) and is still in a basic stage of game, though they seem to have most systems in place. -NEStalgia, Exploding in popularity outside and inside Byond was a game that catered to those who enjoyed retro RPG games but in a MMO environment. This is by-far the most complete MMO on Byond with a finished Story mode. (I feel it didn't appeal to the large crowd of players because most RPG players either 1. Play MMOs which trumps retro RPG players in numbers and 2. Most true RPG players now days look to Final Fantasy as an RPG standard. But those 2 options isn't what nestalgia was aiming so it's all cool. TLDR, The projects most developers try to strive for are large in scope and they don't anticipate how long it would take and how much dedication it would require for them to complete such a project. The most Anticipated Byond MMOs have been developing for a over a year to fail.. |
well do you think that could change? I mean, how could the anime game developers put more initiative towards their projects? What could you advise the anime game community to do for there to be a constant motivation in actually working on a game?
Well rippers put aside, what are your thoughts of people who make anime games not based off of / created from previously developed games?
Gamer95 wrote:
Well rippers put aside, what are your thoughts of people who make anime games not based off of / created from previously developed games? I'm fine with anime games if they improved the Gameplay. Note that I don't consider icon updates and "better staff" a real addition to the originals (especially "better staff"). Improved gameplay means that your game "is" better than the original or has more to offer, maybe you saw faults in the original and you thought if you changed that and added this it would be more entertaining for the players. Most of Naruto/Bleach/DBZ anime games are so similar that the most noticeable difference is the icons and menus. Search out what most of those games have in common and try to make it different. If your mostly basing your game off someone else's game, remember that their game is your game's destiny. If their game has 11 players your game will more than likely hold a player base of 5 1/2 players. EDIT: I'm fine with anime games, but the person can't legally make money from the game, not to mention it'd feel good to know you truly own every part of your creation. That being said I still have my own anime game in the works because it's simply one of my 3 Dream Games that I desired to make for so long. |
There's not a lot to do. They can't just out-right pay the people a steady amount; most people can't afford that. They just have to have drive enough to want to finish the game for no perks other than gaining a following for your next project, and a place to advertise it to. It's a big step just releasing anything that you didn't rip into the community, the next step is getting and maintaining a player-base, some people consider this rather difficult. Then you have a following for your next project and a chance to make that bigger. You could do that all the way until you make an completely orriginal game you could use your following to profit off of. That, however, takes a VERY long time to do and requires a lot of work to be put in. Hardly worth it, honestly.
@Trueseeker - I still see 20 Zeta-based rips made a day, it's not because it's all geting old and worn out, it's because they aren't getting as much attention as they used to. The only way a rip can gain a fronting in BYOND now is word-of-mouth, which dies off when you can't offer something in quality that no one else can. Even if it's "Fast leveling!", "Daily events!", "Free GMz!", ect; There has to be a reason for the players to stay. The people ripping don't really have any clue what they're doing. I've seen people with Zeta sources try and fuse Zeta and Falacy's HU games; it turned out insanely bad. But the guy had the nerve to tell everyone that he did the work and no one helped him when all he did was take one thing from one source and jam it into another. I saw that get a big following at first, probably because the dbz community that somehow remains like the zeta source and like the HU source, so they felt at home with that. It died out after roughly two weeks due to the lack of quality. There was just so much wrong with the game from all the splicing and already bad soruce work, and the person behind it didn't have any idea what he was actually doing. |
I think it's half true they are dwindling and half an illusion. BYOND's definitely lost a lot of players and developers recently, most of them anime people that felt rejected. Those that remain are less active on the forums. There are underground DBZ games that you can't find without a link as well. So while it's alive, it seems to be beginning to die.
Although you do see a lot of retarded classified ads for "Am want maek narto geam. mo0r l0g tr4inin dan eva b4. hav gr8 ideeas. msg me n pgr plx kthx." |
Fugsnarf wrote:
Those that remain are less active on the forums. There are underground DBZ games that you can't find without a link as well. So while it's alive, it seems to be beginning to die. Wow, BYOND UnderGround. That actually makes of some dark alley where a lot of people gather selling drugs except they're dealing in sources and making cash off FUNimation games. xD Sounds like a dark place indeed. @NNAAAAHH: That kind of ties into what Fug was saying. I didn't know all that was still around, I guess old habits die hard. Zeta crossed with HU made me shriek. I think Byond Anime has already hit it's rock bottom, I can't see it going much further unless Tom was like, "Die BYOND!" and put every FUNimation and DBZ rip on the front page. Honestly if these guys really invested time to studying coding, I think Anime could soar as it once did only with different Animes until companies request them to stop being made available. I figure it probably won't soar for perhaps another year or so since you have to learn, stop learning for 5 months, announce your leave, come back 2 weeks later and start learning again while trying to make a game. BYOND's anime game future is very uncertain, if Byond gets popular it could probably be asked to take more anime games down (Dunno though because GameMaker's community has games based on copyrighted characters.) On the other hand if BYOND itself remains somewhat unknown then a lot can slip under radar or simply ignored by companies who don't care since it's a small community. It's really an open book, the ride's hardly over. |
Some anime games are trying to change the illegal content so they get listed.
The thing is that when it doesn't have the same name as the anime, people won't find it ,as it won't get listed in the anime category nor the fan-game one. (talking about Pirates Online in this case) |
The issue there, with the 'learn coding' bit, is that almost everyone that's skilled in the feild either moves away from BYOND OR makes an orriginal game. It's harder to gain a following off of a orriginal game than something that's name is already out there. Naruto GOA wouldn't have been as popular if it was just 'GOA'. The issue here is people want something for their time and effort, anime games only offer a following; as I stated previously. Orriginal games offer the chance for profit and security in ensuring your game wont have many legal issues with copyrights/trademarks. It's easier to make anime-based games so there's that attraction from people who're just starting in the developement field.
Truseeker wrote:
-Eternia, A highly anticipated game that even I looked forward to for over a year is still an RP server which is cool but it's plagued with bad administrating staff due to lack of player to developer communication. My multiple post to their community, to moderators, and even suggestions on forum have been deleted. (I was never even banned from the game...) I'm not really sure why you think the administrators are "bad"; their role isn't exactly a difficult one and they're all fairly reasonable people. If it's due to the amount of bans, a lot of newbies are banned because the RP server is aimed at people with a genuine interest in creative writing... Many BYONDers join because they may like the look of the art of the gameplay, but that isn't really the focus of the RP server. We get a lot of new players that can barely type in English, let alone contribute to a story driven role-playing environment. I am proud of the RP server and I believe it has a lot of potential, regardless of its current flaws. I remember reading a single suggestion from you which was a tutorial, and that was added a while back. There is no reason why a valid suggestion would be deleted, so if you could jog my memory, that'd be appreciated. |