I just whipped up a new blog icon (with some help from Google Images). Like it? I sure do. =D
It doesn't quite fit with the colour scheme of the site, but hey, what can you do. Maybe I'll need to make a green and black version of my CSS!
And I've changed the blog title. Hey, why not. ;-)
Update: Hellooo, green colour scheme.
Jun 15 2005, 10:12 pm
Jun 15 2005, 10:12 pm
Interesting, Crispy.
Hey, Crispy!!! Bored?! This will entertain you for hours! Maybe even days!!!! Everyone else can do it also! Follow my instruction...
Look UP. |
runtime error: Maximum recursion level reached (perhaps there is an infinite loop)
To avoid this safety check, set world.loop_checks=0. proc name: lookdown (/mob/proc/lookdown) usr: Crispy (/mob) src: Crispy (/mob) call stack: Crispy (/mob): lookdown() Crispy (/mob): lookup() Crispy (/mob): lookdown() Crispy (/mob): lookup() Crispy (/mob): lookdown() Crispy (/mob): lookup() Crispy (/mob): lookdown() Crispy (/mob): lookup() Crispy (/mob): lookdown() Crispy (/mob): lookup() ... |
lol wewt. Yay for the dopefish from Commander Keen! lol I loved that old MS-DOS game.
I loved the dopefish. :) That reminds me of my desire to rewrite Commander Keen. Maybe I'll get around to it someday.