I just whipped up a new blog icon (with some help from Google Images). Like it? I sure do. =D

It doesn't quite fit with the colour scheme of the site, but hey, what can you do. Maybe I'll need to make a green and black version of my CSS!

And I've changed the blog title. Hey, why not. ;-)

Update: Hellooo, green colour scheme.
Interesting, Crispy.
That was a fast comment.
Of course, I am usually wandering around at this time of hour.
Hey, Crispy!!! Bored?! This will entertain you for hours! Maybe even days!!!! Everyone else can do it also! Follow my instruction...

Look UP.
Look DOWN.
runtime error: Maximum recursion level reached (perhaps there is an infinite loop)
To avoid this safety check, set world.loop_checks=0.
proc name: lookdown (/mob/proc/lookdown)
usr: Crispy (/mob)
src: Crispy (/mob)
call stack:
Crispy (/mob): lookdown()
Crispy (/mob): lookup()
Crispy (/mob): lookdown()
Crispy (/mob): lookup()
Crispy (/mob): lookdown()
Crispy (/mob): lookup()
Crispy (/mob): lookdown()
Crispy (/mob): lookup()
Crispy (/mob): lookdown()
Crispy (/mob): lookup()
lol wewt. Yay for the dopefish from Commander Keen! lol I loved that old MS-DOS game.
I loved the dopefish. :) That reminds me of my desire to rewrite Commander Keen. Maybe I'll get around to it someday.
Lol. I love that icon =)
Someone has at least partially rewritten Commander Keen (in QBasic, no less - and it actually runs okay)... Google for "Keen 7" and you'll find it.