Is there anyway to somehow reduce or totally remove the lag of the game?
Oct 10 2012, 2:44 am
Good programming?
Totally remove? Not really, no. The latency between you requesting an action by clicking a key, and the server doing it) is an inevitable part of networked game, it's just ... inherent really, data's gotta travel some distance on a wire, this takes time. Really small amounts of time when you consider you get data from the US to UK and back in about 100 milli-seconds!
But yes, you can certainly reduce latency you introduce as part of your game's code. There are a lot of different possible causes of it, and so, a lot of different possible solutions for it. While a more current general article on reducing latency in games would be nice (including network profiling etc); and I may do one at some point, for now, it's best to ask the most important question: What is lagging in your game? When is it lagging? |
Okay, so I decided to test a map with hundreds of monsters roaming around and it caused this lag like every step takes about 1.5 to 2 sec.I guess the problem is in my PC.
Well, it's kinda old. |
I dunno, sounds like it would probably be your code, actually. How do these monsters decided where to walk? Can you show us some code for that?
Byond can handle hundreds of objects moving around... show us the code - it's likely that you can get it to run much faster, although you might have to make significant changes.
In response to Arveron
Sounds like a programming issue since Feed can handle 700 - 800 AI running with little lag on a good network.
You should read this ID:818336