Alright, so I was discussing with someone about nudity, and they claimed it to be an inappropriate conversation. I would just like to stretch my views on nudity. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING NAKED! It is completely natural, anyone that thinks otherwise needs to be reminded that WE invented clothes for temperature protection, not to keep others from seeing what a naked body looks like.
Below I will post the conversation that got me kicked.
[20:39:37] Killer22: There's a movement in california where girls are protesting to be shirtless.
[20:39:39] DarknesOchido: lol
[20:39:42] Killer22: Because men can, and woman can't.
[20:40:02] DarknesOchido: but lets be honest
[20:40:17] DarknesOchido: who boy have internet and dont watch hentai lol?
[20:40:25] DarknesOchido: or gurl
[20:40:35] Gen.Staggs: Killer its not that its cause we dont want 10-12 yr old seeing inapprorpiate things SO DROP THE SUBJECT last warning
[20:41:02] Killer22: Umm, the human body is nothing inappropriate.
[20:41:08] Killer22: Anyone that things so has an unnatural mind.
[20:41:32] Killer22: think*
[20:41:51] Gen.Staggs: so do u want ur baby seeing stuff that isnt normal to be see till there adults
[20:42:02] DarknesOchido: o
[20:42:06] Killer22: Umm... no it's completely normal and natural.
[20:42:38] Gen.Staggs: well idc dont bring ur views on here no Sexual or inapprorpiate PLEASE
[20:42:54] Killer22: It's not INAPPROPRIATe. That's offensive to me as a HUMAN BEING.
[20:43:01] Killer22: You're calling me ugly.
[20:43:15] Killer22: I'm NOT ugly. My body is true beauty.
world info: Killer22 kicked from the server
Yes, I got kicked for standing up for the human body, and the beauty that exists. Nobody is 'ugly' we're all made equally and with the same materials. What is wrong with nudity that scares people so much? Is it not the people that know little about it, that go seeking to find it out of curiosity? If you blind a child from the naked body, would he not then grow up to be a pervert simply out of curiosity?
It's wrong to believe that nudity in inappropriate. Sex itself isn't even inappropriate, though often to talk about it, and to do it in public would be.
Anyways, I want to hear some comments, let me know what you guys think!
Aug 27 2010, 5:58 pm
Just because you dont have a problem with nudity other pple do and some might get offended, some are CHILDREN! You should have respect for pple around you! And dont always have to complain about stuff, you break the rules deal with it the world doesnt revolve around you nor anyone else but rules are there for reason and its not to ignore them! I only kicked because im working out the bugs in the source and some verbs are... buggy trust me I was going to BAN. You have known me for awhile now and know i dont play when it comes to rules. Friend, player, family... idc you break the rules i will punish the person thats being trouble no questions asked!
Teka123 wrote:
I think.... i am disappointed with your view point, I wasn't suggesting that Sex was okay for children. It's appropriate though I admit for children it is not. The main issue was that I find it offensive that nudity is frowned upon and considered a shameful thing. Nudity doesn't have to be about sex. When I see someone nude, I don't first think sex, I'm not that perverted though I can see how some may thing it. The conversation I was having was about woman protesting to be shirtless, much as men are already able to be. I read an article and this woman said she just wanted to have the same rights as men, and be able to breast feed in public. This is what my conversation was about, I wasn't bringing anything involving 'Sex' to the table. In my mind, I don't see any sexual content. I often get confused when people jump at me just for saying 'nude'. I find it immature that people still connect 'nude' to 'sex'. |