Shikai Wars: Unknown Legacies

by LadyKahoko
Shikai Wars: Unknown Legacies
Be swept away by dragons, soul reapers, vampires and more!
why the server down sometimes :/? can i help with hosting?
If you would like to host, apply on the forums.

Why there is no host in GMT +8 :/ here in phillipines TT_TT
You find a host then, jezz ppl can only complaing they dont aprreciate what others do
why can I not join but this one person can and I am not banned?
is this the new server?
how do i apply for gm is there a forum for this game or something cuz i want gm plz someone help me to apply
Don't ask for GM. Learn to use the Website.
Tafe wrote:
if you think im fat, i have a pic of myself on my blog page.... in case ur curious... and u litterly just failed with every thoughts of urs....

i think you got every picture wrong.... in fact, i dont give a damn about ur words trying to explain how stupid i am.

(Hope)If you dont care why did u post this msg :P, im not gona go and check ur picture im not homo boy, and i didnt tried to call u stiupid i tried to shut u coz u talk to much, kkthxbai. <3 hope

Tafe ur the worst byond member EVER becuz u try and try to humiliate everyone in shikai wars but you UTTERLY keep failing. :p
when will someone be hosting again?
thx and just so u know im Oshaunimaru lol XD
when this game going to be back i want to play it really bad
when is this game goona go back up?
Just sayin. If you got a problem with the game, gtfo. =) I need a host, then it'll be back.
LadyKahoko im a lern to host for you ok ^^ i like this game it's beast.., ill get back to you
Good boy. =D
am hateing how i just got DCed like 5 times in a row D:
when is the server up again?
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