In addition to that, I sortof threw in a little note saying 'here's the source!', but I never really elaborated why I decided to release it.
I decided to pick a lot of commonalities I can recall from platformers. I left my own small notes here and there in the source about other things that can be added (I'm pretty sure there's a note about moon boots, and how easy they are to add in, as well as some commented out ideas that I just haven't finished yet), and I was really hoping it could be seen as a somewhat useful resource for people to just pick up and run with, to make their own platformers easily (without having to go through the trouble of implementing everything again, that is).
I'm definitely going to continue to update it over the coming weeks if I can, I mean, if nothing else but to add in one more random stat at the end, sure. I will try to add more of the things I mentioned/noted (as well as some of those I did not), and hopefully create a nice database of generic objects that can be tweaked for any given reason.
I'd also like to open this up as a query for things I might've missed. My list right now looks like this:
- Real ladders, not the cheesy ones that I have in right now - those were just a quick implementation to play with (and they're still pretty fun!).
- Falling objects, instead of shooting objects, they just fall from the sky (or fall in any direction, really), but instead, these would only trigger once. Unless the room was reset (there would need to be a better management on that, such as a /room datum, or some better map functionality), or something along those lines.
- Friction walls, so you can slide down the side of the wall, and possibly jump off of them in a direction. Obviously, this could be translated to a floor to make walking slower, or something too.
- AI, although a really low priority, simplistic beings that do a bit more than sit on a wall and shoot at you. Try to run into you, shoot you, things along those lines.
Did I miss anything?
I'm not sure if the on_right and on_left procs were in the demo I provided. They're basically the equivalent of on_ground for walls. They can easily be used in the movement loop to achieve that effect.
I have an implementation of ladders laying around somewhere if you're interested.