Keywords: amazing, anime, god, kon, satoshi
Oh, no. This guy created anime that only a guy like me could dream for. (Examples: Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paranoia Agent and Paprika.)

Damn it, I loved his work. R.I.P.
I will miss you, you damn genius...

Source: 20100825_satoshi_kon_passed_away/

Satoshi Kon's last words:
I was gonna post about this, but I didn't think anyone on BYOND would actually care or know who this guy was. Shit sucks. I'm pretty sure he recently made a comment about the sorry state of the anime industry recently, and how if his next project failed he was gonna leave animation in shame. ;_;
Maggeh wrote:
I was gonna post about this, but I didn't think anyone on BYOND would actually care or know who this guy was. Shit sucks. I'm pretty sure he recently made a comment about the sorry state of the anime industry recently, and how if his next project failed he was gonna leave animation in shame. ;_;

That is disheartening.
I hope as all hell that The Dream Machine still meets the light of day.
Shit. This made me upset.
Why did you remove my comment when I was just pointing out the obvious? Yes, Maggeh is surely right. I don't know who this person is, and I've been watching anime and reading manga since I was ten!

Akira Toriyama is more of legend tho!!!
Jedioh wrote:
Why did you remove my comment when I was just pointing out the obvious? Yes, Maggeh is surely right. I don't know who this person is, and I've been watching anime and reading manga since I was ten!

Akira Toriyama is more of legend tho!!!

This post was not for you.
Most people don't understand his work the way they should. Most responses I hear are just like "that was weird" (for Paprika, for example).
But, they just aren't mature enough to understand the complexities.