Eh, People are so stupid. Although, I do admit that I dislike the special treatment towards certain individuals.
I went to Middle School and I was nearly the only white kid there. There were about 3 other white guys I saw. And, regardless, I was treated with disdain. Why? I was white, and apparently being the minority made it possible to get fucked with.
I do dislike it, being the minority rather sucks. Sure, many white males have plenty of opportunity, but for the white males that are in the position of the poorest people. We do not get shit. Honestly, what opportunities lie for us? Plenty of other races get scholarships and what not, I honestly have to rely on good grades(Hopefully) to get anywhere.
Now, this comes to my point. Special Treatment based on gender, race, religion, and background is bullshit to me. If that were to end, I would see a change for the better. Im tired of black or female only colleges, scholarships for a select few, etc etc etc.
I mean, honestly... Bunch of hypocrisy America is. I'd like to see a White Male only college? Ya right.
Anyways, my point is - Special treatment based on background, gender, religion, race, etc is rather stupid.
I mean, I am a very low income white male, with horrible insurance and severe disease(Which Parkland Medical Center apparently sucks at receiving refferals). Must say, being looked at by the success of some people of my race really sucks. Damn people and their stereotypes... Honestly.
Sucks to be on the other side of the pillow, Don't it? Lawl
It feels great to fuck with somebody because they're of a different race, especially with the whole slavery thing. :D