[note] I am being told by a few people, keypresses lag, and lasers lag for some others, but I haven't seen this myself, so I apologize if this happens to you, but I can't reproduce it.
Since I didn't have an artist for this, I did most of the artwork myself, aside from the walls, and the player (Forum_account had those in the demo). To accomplish this, I used Forum_account's Sidescroller demo.
There are a few bugs with some of my trap implementations:
- Left and right springs do not work as expected - I manage to get a div/0 error quite a bit, by jumping as far right as I can, and landing on the spring from there. If you want to try to help me with this, the source can be found here, with a more updated version HERE (SVN).
- To test it, you would use the test map, and just run and jump into the wall conveniently located at the right, and prepare for errors.
- Going down a ladder (with the down key) also produces a div/0 error. I have removed this from the game and commented it out in the source, but it's still an issue.
Best of luck, and don't be too furious!
I'm also releasing the source because maybe someone would like to continue it, make some more traps, or whatever they'd need to without having to redo all the work I did. It's not the cleanest, and it's not completely commented, but I hope people can figure it out.
[edit] I forgot to mention that this wasn't my initial plan for the casual contest, but this is, in case anyone would like to pursue it.
[editedit] Maybe and hopefully if Tibby glances over this at some point, he could let me know if I'm still allowed to update the game between now and the time it's judging time? If not, 'kay, but I figure I totally jumped the gun and ended up forgetting a few things.