Having what running? The pager?
An IM program, likely.

When did they say this? The rule that I copied and pasted is still displayed when making a new topic in the classified ads. Either way, that entire statement you just made proves just how competent they really are (or more like aren't).
I've brought it up several times to Foomer and a few other mods I believe, they've said they do not give a flying fudge.

Well, on top of all your other fails, you've now proven yourself to be a liar.
Damn, too bad I'm not, huh? You have zero evidence to support your claim.

Mine is only using ~2MB when running in the background. So I'll go with the virus reason. From what I know of you, you'd be the kind of person that would willingly install something called 'virus.exe', probably in an attempt to "spite" somebody else.
> implying I'm an idiot
which is what you always do
it doesn't happen to you but happens to a lot of people
it doesn't happen to you, it has to be false
Moonlight Memento wrote:
I've brought it up several times to Foomer and a few other mods I believe, they've said they do not give a flying fudge.

Exactly. Incompetent forum mods.
"Forum rules? Why should we enforce those? Or keep any type of consistency to our actions? You'd think we were moderators around here or something!"

Damn, too bad I'm not, huh? You have zero evidence to support your claim.

Don't need much? Don't even care if anyone else knows it for that matter. You're a liar, on top of being a complete moron, and that's all that really matters.

implying I'm an idiot

lol I don't need to imply much. You prove that point every time you post something.

it doesn't happen to you but happens to a lot of people
it doesn't happen to you, it has to be false

They all screwed up their computers too? How is that my problem?
"Forum rules? Why should we enforce those? Or keep any type of consistency to our actions? You'd think we were moderators around here or something!"
Cry moar. You get banned a lot for being a tool.

Don't need much? Don't even care if anyone else knows it for that matter. You're a liar, on top of being a complete moron, and that's all that really matters.
I'm the complete moron and liar, and that's why you're more hated than me at any given time (especially '08)?

They all screwed up their computers too? How is that my problem?
It's a common issue with MSN. It has nothing to do with a screwed up PC, though I doubt you'd know that.
Moonlight Memento wrote:

You'd be surprised, there are many who constantly check their email and social networking pages not only through their computer, but through other online media devices such as cell phones.

I have a gmail tab open all the time but I rarely check it.

If you have a tab open and you're expecting a few emails, it does not take too much time just to look over your inbox every few hours or so. And as Falacy said, if you have a messenger program open, it will alert you once you receive an email.

I fail to see the point of these ads being on a forum, which is used for communication if all you can do is "plz email me plz".

These ads will be provided on the forums because it is the communication device BYOND has chosen to use. A simple post such as "Please email me" will obviously be removed; a detailed post that provides contact links will remain. Look at some of the forums that provide responses to Classified Ads, such as TIGSource. The responses usually have nothing to do with the job offering, similar to those on BYOND. I see no benefit in allowing comments, if you are serious about applying as a programmer, you will contact the person in private to ask your questions.

And the way to increase ad quality is banning anime games, really.

We cannot always use Anime as the scapegoat. Although non-Anime BYOND ads may not get the visible replies, there are still a few posts that are underdeveloped.

PS, can you guys please refrain from derailing this thread? Put any passed arguments behind you, it is accomplishing nothing by insulting each other. If anything, your arguments are hiding your constructive comments related to my feature request.
Moonlight Memento wrote:
Cry moar. You get banned a lot for being a tool.

I'm not sure what being a tool is supposed to mean, or what you're accusing me of crying about, but almost all of my bans have been for straight up telling various staff around here that they fail at life. Which if I had said to anyone else (like you on a regular basis) they wouldn't have given two hoots about. They improperly handle just about every situation, and put personal issues far above those of the community.

I'm the complete moron and liar, and that's why you're more hated than me at any given time (especially '08)?

Everybody loves me. Even you only hate me because you're jealous and wish you could be me. You on the other hand seem to have no friends =(

RJTaylor wrote:
PS, can you guys please refrain from derailing this thread? Put any passed arguments behind you, it is accomplishing nothing by insulting each other. If anything, your arguments are hiding your constructive comments related to my feature request.

lol I'm not even sure what this guys problem with me is. I think he's just jealous. But if he wants me to make him look like a complete idiot in public then I'll gladly do so.
Everybody loves me. Even you only hate me because you're jealous and wish you could be me. You on the other hand seem to have no friends =(
Yeah... that's why Tom hates you? That's why Garthor/Fizzy/Nadrew I think/and a few other VERY respected members hate you?

lol I'm not even sure what this guys problem with me is. I think he's just jealous. But if he wants me to make him look like a complete idiot in public then I'll gladly do so.
"I'm always right btw this guy is like totally picking fights I dont do anything wrong EVER"

We cannot always use Anime as the scapegoat. Although non-Anime BYOND ads may not get the visible replies, there are still a few posts that are underdeveloped.
It'd solve the Classified Ads issue completely, but completely get rid of BYOND instantly.
All I'm gonna say to that is: I hope listing fizzle as a "VERY respected member" was a joke.
And now I'm done wasting my time with you.
Better programmer than you. Oh noes, I'm jealous.
Don't mind me, but this is why the classified ads needs to be locked like suggested; people like you will come in and derail it, regardless of it's topic, and just argue back and forth.
I agree with this, too, perhaps even further adding a 'genre' dropdown (optional, of course, some games might take hold in different genres), so people can sort by genre offers.
Oh yes, people like me... Also what if it's something like:
A host makes an ad
Doesn't list specs at all on ad
Who the HELL will respond? He can't edit it and no one can respond to him to tell him to put specs there.
Moonlight Memento wrote:
Oh yes, people like me... Also what if it's something like:
A host makes an ad
Doesn't list specs at all on ad
Who the HELL will respond? He can't edit it and no one can respond to him to tell him to put specs there.

No one will respond, and his ad will have failed. Maybe he should have been more informative.
I would actually like the classified ads to be nothing but drop-down boxes, bulletin point checker things -- I forget the name of it -- and a "Spoiler" or "Show/Hide" function for additional content like if the OP wanted to add more info beyond the basic info. Also, there shouldn't be a reply option but just a place to show contact information.
Ter13 resolved issue (Redundant)
Classified ads no longer permit two-way discussion.
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