
Bwahaha, beaten by Seika? That's a joke.
Everyone make LRS your fav game, we can beat back the tide of mediocre RPGs. :p


Incidently, anyone wanna play a round of LRS? O-matic, wanna have a match? :)
I added it to my favorites. It should beat Seika soon, hopyfully. I was planning to add it anyway.
Added at 1
My stupid cat's just knocked it's favourite toy under the filing cabinet thing again.

P.S. I added it as my second fave. TNRPG:Combat needs the 'publicity' :-).
Back at #1
Excellent. :) Good job, guys!
I haven't played LRS in ages. I should join up with you for a match one of these days, Elly. It'll remind me of the testing days back when Ron had us help him test it. =)
Want to play the hard way, eh? You're on! Haha.
wow back to number 2 again dammit.

common people LRS is waay funner than seika xD

we can do it! beat back that medeocre RPG
Compared to other RPGs on BYOND, Seika is not mediocre.
compared LRS as a game it is medeocre
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's mediocre. Seika has over 100+ different peices of equipment: each with their own icon, great pixel-art, dozens of monsters, plenty of skills with great systems for each(especially blacksmithing), several different races, and a large map(especially in the next update). You don't even have the right of comparing this to a board-game, they're two different genres, which means different strategies used to make the game fun.
okay ur opinion is biased because you like that game.

my opinion is biased because i like lrs.

But all RPGS in byond are just plain stupid. Id rather play a real RPG anyday.
Just like I'd rather play a real board-game anyday.

I never once said LRS is a bad game either. I just stated that Seika was not mediocre, on a BYOND-scale. I didn't even say if I liked Seika or not. My opinion in no way implied LRS was worse than Seika, and I even said comparing the two was wrong. There's nothing biased about that.
why the hell am i arguing on a blog?
Because you can.
Seika has over 100+ different peices of equipment: each with their own icon, great pixel-art, dozens of monsters, plenty of skills with great systems for each(especially blacksmithing), several different races, and a large map(especially in the next update). Wait, it dosn't have Storyline. Than how is it nothing more than a game that you train on. BYOND RPG would be 10x better if they all had a decent storyline in them that you follow.
that would be hard to code sometimes not to mention that games on byond do have a coding qunatity limit.
Almost every BYOND RPG I've played has had a lot of equipment, but no good storyline, and vice-versa. Although the majority really lack good storylines. Still, Seika looks like it's kind of working it's way towards having a story line. Those castles that you can conquer are one step in the right direction. More things like that would make it more of a game where you don't just train.
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