Mar 19 2006, 9:35 pm
Currently there are 2 cyclones hitting the northen end of queenland. This is quite unfortunant. The first one hit earlier this morning at a category 5 at Innisfale, and pretty much flattened it. Its now category 3, but ive came up with a worrying therory which could prove true. There is another currently Category 2 cyclone about 1200km east of cairns, and it heading for the same place as the last one. It is apparently pulling the one that hit us toward's us. If there was to be a sudden wind change, lets say, a Easterly wind, the effects could prove devistating. The cyclone that has hit queensland would go back out to sea and gain power while being sucked into the other cyclone. By the time they have reach each other they will probaly have reached category 5 and 2 cyclones of that category colliding together would be devistating. Fortunantly I live closer to the southern part of queensland, so I just have to prey it doesnt come towards me.
Ok, then, if theres no category 6, then this cyclone is going to be category 5 times 2. Might I add this would be way bigger and more powerful than cyclone tracy. The cyclone that hit Inisfale, although it was small, it had the same power as cyclone tracey, the one that hit darwin. It had 290km/hr winds. Also the tides are reaching 6 and a half metres. Im actually hoping these tides will go down, cause im going on band tour to frasier island in a couple of weeks, and if these swells affect fraiser island, because its so close to sea level, it will probaly be flooded.
This may be a candidate for the worst cyclone to hit Australia ever, once it's over. There was one back in 1975 or so that destroyed Darwin almost completely, and this one might be one the same sort of scale. The 1975 one was Cat 5, too.
I live in Adelaide, though. I'm safe. :P