Hi, byond members. I am currently looking for a job. I am willing to do anything, learn anything, to get some money.

And any inappropiate comments (involving sex related stuff), shall be deleted and the user banned from posting future comments.
And any inappropiate comments (involving sex related stuff), shall be deleted and the user banned from posting future comments.

You know byond so well :)
Sliced Death wrote:
And any inappropiate comments (involving sex related stuff), shall be deleted and the user banned from posting future comments.

You know byond so well :)

Well true. I banned already one user who commented on this and it was inappriopate.
Become a drug dealer lots of money man and it dont take much start up money. Just kidding
Be my butler,5$ per hour,not involving any sexual stuff
Kapatupau wrote:
Be my butler,5$ per hour,not involving any sexual stuff

And how can i be your butler when im on the other side of the world?
Join the army.
IcewarriorX wrote:
Join the army.

I'm in uni.
Gamemakingdude wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote:
Join the army.

I'm in uni.

Then join the mcdonalds.
Learn to program, and then make a game! If you take your time and make it really entertaining, people might pay just to play it.