Jan 13 2013, 5:18 pm
what happened to the server no 1 can join?!?!?!
rofl it still says the same four people that been there since the game has been down.... wtf is going on
please some admin or moderator can take away the ban I have in the host file please
Im sure Niti already knows and is doing his best to fix the issue, just give it time guys
Guys calm down, cursing and screaming about it isn't going to get the game back up any sooner.
In response to Coreym12
dude wen is the game coming back work on it faster or people will start to hat this game i have whated to loing for this game to come backe
dude is it going to come back hellow people are whating give them what they wont people lets go to new evol tell it come back on
Please niti disban me i just saw art is a bang doing that and u were on and i thought that it wasnt against the rulez im never going to do that please
plz make me hokage thay mad a weak dude hokage and thay dont went to give me it none of them plz
Hey, how do you be a hokage, because i want to be one. Yet again, i don't know the requirements. So, what are they?