Naruto: Evolution

by Crazah
Naruto: Evolution
A new upcoming original Naruto game.
Whining about it isnt gonna make the server more reliable. If you spend all your free time on this game go find a hobby, just because it goes down shouldnt mean you have nothing else to do, its a free game that he was willing to make, leave the guy alone or go learn how to code and map and go make your own game, see how you can get a reliable non-lag server.
I don't just play this game,i do lots of things like go to Kadets and play guitar and drums but sometimes you can get bored and NE kills that boredom so when it's not on i get bored especially at night
HELP , i cant log on my account , name is Black Angel , i try log on say it :

No password set for this account, please try again.
Spend ages on my character and now my save file is corrupt for some reason :'(
so bed that server going down... if someone creating naruto game send me a message i would licke to see it..
Honestly I don't think anyone should be wasting their time until they fix this save file issue, people getting randomly wiped left and right.
I just want to say that gates are too strong and a lv 20 gate can kill a lv 40 and now every newb goes gate and there is no fun in the game.
who ever going to start playing this game dont wait till a wipe cause there ppl on there that fucking kill u and wont let u train there so many bugs like when u die u wont be able to move and have to relog when some one use a sleeping move u wake up u wont be able to move theres times when u die in dojo u wont be able to move so till the bugs and a wipe is made this game is a fail sorry but it is
Pikachulover wrote:
who ever going to start playing this game dont wait till a wipe cause there ppl on there that fucking kill u and wont let u train there so many bugs like when u die u wont be able to move and have to relog when some one use a sleeping move u wake up u wont be able to move theres times when u die in dojo u wont be able to move so till the bugs and a wipe is made this game is a fail sorry but it is

Then report the bugs so Crazah can fix them. Don't be like that and scare new players away. If you don't like it, just leave, but you don't have to write such a hate-comment.
Raimoooo !!!!
when the second server u_u'
it made 14 days without playing...
how do you rejoin a villiage? it doesnt give you any info on that...
This game is the best game of whole byond..
let me host. it will make it easier for players without lag and i promise i dont lag
This game doesnt work for me, is there an alternative link I can use?
you guys need more hosts
you!!!!! >:( ware is the fma game you said you would ake!!!!!!!!!!! >:( i am very disapointed in you >:(
meeee? sorry am busy with yu yu hakusho XD anyways hosttttt i can be one my internet is the fastest there is i will even do a speed test
I cant connect to server.Two days passed since this started.Anyone knows how what might be the problem?
the problem of host :'(

Raimo !
The Server is full, and i kind wanna play! therefore I ask if the owner could put up the Server hosted by Raimo again please!! so you would have two servers running at the same time!
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