Naruto: Evolution

by Crazah
Naruto: Evolution
A new upcoming original Naruto game.
its a very good game!! poor hosting because it doesnt really have a consistant time that it is up and most of the time it goes down with out notice. other than that very fun and addicting
Lac of updates WTF? you cant be sirous.
So now we know the game has crashed but can anyone give a clue to when it might be back up and running? ty ^_^
why server back and down all time ??
why can i connect to the server when its up
Pro Game
Bad Hosting, reminds me of myself.

Pro Computer
Bad Internet, f***ing Cox

can't wait til some new service get here.
There is no bad hosting, the game just crashes for some reason, which lies in the programming itself.
You need more servers. I'd like it if i could actually log on more
Servers crashing due to hidden code? I could fix that for you by making a program that will auto-reboot your server if it has crashed.

It's cool, Crazah knows me, kind of.

Just want to help my Rivals I guess XD.
My game isn't done yet but you guys are my only competition and for that it makes me want to help, because I want as tough of an opponent as I can get >=D
cmon guys repair n update it already :P
T_T pls fix -beg- it's da best game eva in the world.
For cereal. I can fix that.
the server is up but i can't connect to it
why i can't connect? evrythink good but then load game it say connection problem
I dont no, maybe the server is full because sometimes they say something like this.

Server is Full
Connection Failed
Rednox... the game isnt up i crashed.. it just looks like its up sometimes
why does this game ceash just at the wrong time :(
have i been kick out the game or something soon as i make my new character and get in the village connection fail
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