ohh im an inoue lvl 364 atm
...how long have you been playing?
shes a bln addict :O
that's understandable...its fun...plus...ur gonna HAVE to help me when I come back on...
im like lvl 400 now and every1 is fighting for me those idiots they called me a tranny so i bought a web cam and im like whos a tranny? then all the dudes keep asking me out but one thing about las noches i HATE is hyren, and the DEATH BOX
Who's Hyren and the DB is...helpful so that noobs can come up with a strategy to not die again...^^

P.S. Who called you a tranny?
A Tranny? :o
they called me a trannny so i was on webcam for like 3 hours at my friends house and they stopped anyways i quit that game and ppl are BULLSHIT and evil and rude and they all can lick my ass and i bet ill still be doing them a favor by letting them do that SO I AM DONE
...ouch....painful...but don't quit...get on..train till you're overpowered...and WHOOP SOME ASS!!!
that game sucks anyways i already mastered my sheild and i have kouten zanshun and shitt but till yur on ill play
She's to pwnsome for that game anyway. o.o
Venus893 wrote:
they called me a trannny so i was on webcam for like 3 hours at my friends house and they stopped anyways i quit that game and ppl are BULLSHIT and evil and rude and they all can lick my ass and i bet ill still be doing them a favor by letting them do that SO I AM DONE

But your on right now xD.
i meant the game mittens not byond heck
Sasukedogs25 wrote:
She's to pwnsome for that game anyway. o.o

yea im 2 pwnsome for that game i make it less boring <3
....my site getting this many messages!!!
yea u flatter yurself to much oliver lol
not cool...I only go by Oliver bcause my first name is overused...
adam is overused since when?
well...1st man(Bible), Adam Lambert, Adam Sandler, etc...the list goes on...name one well known person named Oliver..
thats not overused if a "Celeb" has it i dnt meet a lot of ppl with that name
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