For some reason a certain someone made a blog post using my key to try and say Chat is dead. It is not, and I'd just like to say I'll be making some updates. Please keep your eye out, the game will be going through quite an overhaul within the next week. Being hosted 24/7
i like it
You should really be a bit more discrete when avoiding bans, or at least be more respectful and not spit in Tom's face by admitting you're ban-avoiding when you do so.
Toadfish wrote:
You should really be a bit more discrete when avoiding bans, or at least be more respectful and not spit in Tom's face by admitting you're ban-avoiding when you do so.

This is not my intention at all, I'm just trying to make it clear that Chat will still be under development.
a certain someone is me for anyone who cares even though they shouldn't
Yash 69 wrote:
a certain someone is me for anyone who cares even though they shouldn't

lol my first guess was that you did it. So yeah i dont think anyone should care.