which is - trying to please everybody.”- Herbert Bayard Swope
Naruto, Bleach, and Dragon Ball Z.. a noticeable pattern when it comes to development of games in BYOND Anime by Programmers and Pixel Artists. Developers that take an interest to the BYOND Anime Guild tend to be hypnotized by popular mainstream Anime’s such as the ones mentioned earlier. This leaves the Guild with barely any variety of games to offer to the BYOND player base. Why do people take on such projects, when there lays a staggering amount of untapped resource of Anime’s to base a game upon? It’s because we lack the concept of Deviation; trying something different and Limitation; knowing what we our capable of. Undermining the fact that the Success Rate of a Naruto, Bleach or DBZ Game going into production and actually being released overtime is an astounding 4-5%, the issue here is Game Variety, the Achilles’ heel of BYOND Anime.
N.B.D (Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z) Games itself require reliable and experienced staff, capable of creating such content-heavy projects and they can be considered as a “Sensitive Project” since games like these need to be well developed in order for any sought of success. Novice Programmers and Pixel Artists who are new to DM should avoid making a N.B.D Game as their first project. This is an important fact most Development Team’s overlook. Most people also assume players will be more attracted to the current Anime trend over classics and other great Anime’s, thus, leading to the production of countless N.B.D games that never make it past the creation of its HUB Page. The few projects that actually make it into the development stage end up becoming a shabby, un-polished game with no content because the team lacks the knowledge required to create it, which leads to them taking short-cuts such as the use of “ripped” icons or other game source’s . The use of “ripped” material itself causes the game by default to being denied Submission into the BYOND Anime Guild.
I took the time to ask our loyal BYOND Anime players questions to see their perspective on the subject;
AllanJ™ says:
When you think of BYOND Anime, what games come to mind?
Renji_R_I says:
Naruto and Bleach
AllanJ™ says:
BYOND Anime, what is the first thought that popped into your mind?
Jon says:
Games that will never be released
**Side Note** That was a low-blow, that even hurt me a little
AllanJ™ says:
Why do you think Developers work on Projects such as; Naruto, Bleach and Dragon Ball Z, when there is such a large variety of Anime's to base a game on?
Gon Goon: Booty Warrior Elite says:
I believe there are multiple reasons why most developers center their projects around those anime.
* Most popular. Majority of developers want to reach out to the largest crowd possible, which happens to be through those 3 anime.
* They have so much potential, yet honestly, from my perspective, there hasn't been an anime game that's been beyond decent. None of them offer as much uniqueness/versitality as the anime themselves do.
Child Prodigy says:
They're the main anime's 10-16 year olds watch
And most of BYOND's players are 10-16
John(Rasen) says:
What I think is that new comers always see the vast varieties of naruto , bleach and dragonball Z in the Anime section. Which makes them strive harder to create a game much more better than the ones they currently see, this is only my opinion , I know there are many other reason's ,but this is what I truly think.
Kr says:
Its the most popular at the moment and its easy to attract people.
Fortunately, all hope isn’t lost. New and promising games such as Champloo Ikou Era by AllSmiles and Pokémon Z by Zete should be used as an example for Development Teams.

Champloo Ikou Era is an RPG based on the Samurai Champloo anime. A fun and exciting game, revolving around combat with a variety of weapons and the freedom to live the life of a samurai.

Pokémon Z is an Online Pokémon Turn-Based Strategy RPG, the first of its kind in BYOND Anime, making an astonishing impact in the community.
The list of possibilities for an Anime Game goes on;
Afro Samurai – An Action/RP Anime Game with simple sword combat variations and a decent plot behind it.
High School of the Dead – A “Shoot ‘Em Up and Kill ‘Em” Style Action/RP Anime Game
Gundam, Digimon, etc - Turn-Based Strategy Games
The process of “Deviating from the Norm” is the hardest part for today’s Development Teams. Once that has been overcome, the variety of Anime Game’s Developers can create will be uncanny.
Thank You for taking the time to read this.
Sincerely, AllanJ
Naruto, Bleach and DB can be made into great games, provided the ideals for the game's conception are innovative and fun (and the execution is done correctly).