As soon as The Carter 4 drops its bout to go Multi-Platinum in its first week. That is bout to be the sickest album ever...

Wayne for life.
I do not understand.
Lil Waynes studio alubm
I was joking. Anyway, i bet your excited for that trip your going on in about a week. I'm doing shit for the rest of my summer.
yup i am
Dinomaster45 wrote:
I was joking. Anyway, i bet your excited for that trip your going on in about a week. I'm doing shit for the rest of my summer. :(

Football season starts in 2 hours and 15 minutes for me. =]

Go Deer Valley Skyhawks!
Mainstream trash.
PerfectGoku wrote:
Mainstream trash.

lol right
PerfectGoku wrote:
Mainstream trash.

what u call mainstream trash is where the people who make 'trash' are getting their money from
How original. Kind of like the Blueprint 1,2 and 3.
Yash 69 wrote:
what u call mainstream trash is where the people who make 'trash' are getting their money from
Edo G > Wayne.
IcewarriorX wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:
Mainstream trash.


Jeff8500 wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:
Mainstream trash.

PerfectGoku wrote:
Yash 69 wrote:
what u call mainstream trash is where the people who make 'trash' are getting their money from
Edo G > Wayne.

theres a reason the majority don't know him
Yash 69 wrote:
PerfectGoku wrote:
Yash 69 wrote:
what u call mainstream trash is where the people who make 'trash' are getting their money from
Edo G > Wayne.

theres a reason the majority don't know him
There's a reason his music is better.
Not to mention popularity doesn't determine what's best. You have a group of 100 people, 99 idiots, 1 smart.
They have to choose what's best between two pictures, 98 of the idiots choose the worst picture. The smart 1 and 1 idiot choose the better one.
You're by far an idiotic stereotype.
you yourself can't determine whats good and whats bad and you're a fucking idiot of you think you can. Just because I don't like hardcore metal doesn't mean its bad. if you're the normal one in a crowd of what you call weirdos that just means you're the weird one dumbfuck.
Lil Wayne was good, His latest songs have just been terrible. I had no idea there was a carter 4 in developement, but whatever..Hopefully it'll be better than recently.

Anyway, Right now there are way better rap artists.
Lupe Fiasco, J.Cole, Drake, Eminem, Talib Kweli, Cassidy and a few others...
Rike just earned my respect for actually naming off people that are known and they're all good...
Yash 69 wrote:
Rike just earned my respect for actually naming off people that are known and they're all good...

Oh, I just agreed with those guys because I like to troll and I dislike rap.
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