I posted some screenshots of Kekkaishi Online on the hub. Would like to know what everyone thinks of it so far if you get to look at them. They dont show much because to me i feel the game is in pre-alpha.


Note:Some icons if not all that are shown may be place holders.
Looks cool.
thanks i try my best
looks good
unban peter chao
Hehe nice i have not heard of this.. Anime?
That surprises me the most. :)
But anyway it looks Good nice and Fresh not bad trees :)
The Hud Skill Slot Bars being 1 tile higher than the bottom looks floatingly cool,
but i expect you will have more bars and buttons to go around that as you progress more? or if not ah well.
Nice Windows, i cant tell if your flying or doing a dive though lol
You've managed to do more than your game than most, Keep going, I want to try this out. :D
Teka123 wrote:
Hehe nice i have not heard of this.. Anime?
That surprises me the most. :)
But anyway it looks Good nice and Fresh not bad trees :)
The Hud Skill Slot Bars being 1 tile higher than the bottom looks floatingly cool,
but i expect you will have more bars and buttons to go around that as you progress more? or if not ah well.
Nice Windows, i cant tell if your flying or doing a dive though lol

oh i died during that screen shot and thanks to everyone for the support
I like it. But....didn't I comment on your HUD and how it would sometimes screw up view? .-.
dont think that ws me
this looks cool
i also like the Barrier Icon
when is this comming out
you should be able to destroy trees with kekkai
tree icons look good but you can make them a little bigger
Lamycool:you should be able to destroy trees with kekkai. Yah i agree
want me to help u icon?
whens it coming out
i rlly want to play it
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