Problem description:I'm really sorry to post an article that is related to a subject that has already been talked about 1001 times in the forums but i don't know why but i can't make an .exe file for my game. When i package the files in a .zip extension file i thought that the .exe file would be inside that .zip folder but i was wrong, i can't find it. I'm so sorry but could you explain me how to make an .exe file with the byond tools? Thanks, ,MistY, |
In response to JEY_SENSEY
but if i do that it will only create a zip extension file with the .dmb and .RSC files inside (not with the .exe file)
To create an exe requires BYONDexe. However, you need a key in order to use it. |
In response to Mightymo
And how can i get that key?
You have to talk with the BYOND staff. They give out keys on an individual basis.
so imagine this situation. I ask if the staff members can give me a key. If they give me the key can i use it more than one time? is the key temporary?
Thanks ,MistY, |
The .exe key is attached to a games HUB entry so as long as the hub still exists, I would assume you can continue to use it to create updates to that game.
Here is the post that Tom announced it on. |
In response to Pirion
ohh kk
,Thanks :D ,MistY, |
2-go to ''build'' option
3-click in package files
4-select world executable files and click in next
5-select the destination of the file