Keywords: ai, byond, movement, pixel
(See the best response by Forum_account.)
anyone know how to make a AI with Pixel movement?
Once you implent pixel movement it is in. However, be sure to add in the AI's bounds!
Best response
Pixel movement only affects part of AI, since there's more to AI than movement. How you decide where to move (ex: who to attack) is the same, how you get there might be different. BYOND's step() and walk() procs work with pixel movement, so if you're using them there shouldn't be much that needs to change to make tile-based AI work with pixel movement.
FA, does pixel movement apply to walk_to()?
In response to Avainer1
I think so. I don't use BYOND's built-in pixel movement much but I think it was supposed to.

My Pixel Movement library defines the mob.move_to() proc which is similar to walk_to().