The Steam moderator in question didn't even provide evidence for the OP making "violent threats". It's an awesome service, but they need to fix their user support.
![]() Apr 4 2014, 2:37 pm
It's just a ban from the Discussion Boards. To be honest, he's not missing anything.
If you can take the time to ban people, you could at least link them to the post that got them banned. You have to remember this is the SAME PR that handles account hi-jacks and VAC Bans. (VAC Bans are almost always legitimate, but they could at least give you the IP and Date involved with the ban)
There's no excuse for any decent moderation team to not tell you why you're banned and even dismiss the case saying that you refuse to make any further contact. |
I got banned from the Dota 2 forums on Steam after saying Drow Ranger didn't need to be nerfed, and calling whoever disagreed with me an inbred psychopath. It was quite hilarious - my thread had over 100 posts of people just going back and forth about whether she was overpowered or not. Eventually they just banned me and closed the thread, even though I had stopped posting after the 20th or so post.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
I got banned from the Dota 2 forums on Steam after saying Drow Ranger didn't need to be nerfed Anyone who thinks Drow needs to be nerfed is an absolute retard. She is by far one of the weakest carries and heroes in the entire game. She needs buffing... Actually, if anything she needs entirely remaking, her kit is just fundamentally bad. |
The Magic Man wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: She stomped noobs but she wasn't OP. Similar to Rupture - when new players first encountered it, they didn't know what was killing them. They just knew they were taking damage, but if you're being chased by someone and you're low on HP, your first reaction is to run, which is exactly what Bloodseeker wants you to do. But as soon as you figure out what was going on, it's easier to prepare for it. People didn't realize that all you had to do to lower Drow's damage output was... stand next to her. As long as you were at a certain distance from Drow, her damage was buffed significantly, but if you could close the gap and remain in auto-attack range of her, she was pretty worthless. But noobs didn't know this, so they fought her at a range and fed her. This is why you saw her being an instant pick in low level pubs, but never in competitive play. Eventually Icefrog or whoever finally said "Ok, people are way too stupid, I have to dumb the game down a bit for these degenerates" and nerfed her. So now she plays a bit different than she did back when the game was in closed beta. They just recently gave her a knockback or something, I'm not sure. I kinda quit Dota 2 and went back to League of Legends because I got tired of not being able to communicate with my teammates. There are so many Russians in Dota 2 that keep queuing up for the NA servers instead of playing in their own country servers, so you end up with people you can't even talk to. |
Drow doesn't even stomp new players anymore. There are so many carries who can do anything Drow can but better it's not even funny.
The only time Drow has ever been strong is when her aura was global and applied to creeps. She was strong purely because she had an aura that gave ranged creeps bonus damage. Literally, her kit is so useless that the only time she has been strong was when she could hide in the fountain and let creeps do all the work. |
I just don't think any service like theirs which deals with so many people and problems on a daily basis can afford to offer you a trial.
It's not like getting banned from a small game where there's only a few players and the admin can afford to talk you through what happened. These people just aren't paid to provide you with evidence.
As much as it sucks, you really have to understand how it works. It's not like real life where you have rights. On their system, you don't have any rights. No rights to see evidence or appeal or argue. They're not paid to argue with you, just ban you and move onto to the next person who wasn't following the terms and conditions.
Maybe you did what they said, maybe you didn't. I don't know. If you did then you pretty much got what was coming to you. If you didn't then you're unlucky but I would imagine they wouldn't ban you without first seeing something you've done to warrant it.