How would i make a verb so you could put somthing inside a bag?
Thanx shane
Mar 7 2001, 7:56 pm
In response to karver
On 3/7/01 10:09 pm Karver wrote:
On 3/7/01 9:56 pm Shane wrote: Remember, that you can always move something into an object by setting an items loc to the object. For example, obj/verb/get() set src in oview(1) src.loc = usr //move into usr The same logic applies to putting things into a bag. obj/verb/put_in_bag(obj/bag in usr) set src in usr src.loc = bag //move into bag And looking at an item's contents is a cinch; recall that to look at a user's inventory, you use: mob/verb/inventory() for(var/obj/O in usr) usr << "\an [O]" So likewise the same logic applies to looking in objects: obj/bag/verb/look_in() set src in usr for(var/obj/O in src) usr << "\an [O]" To check to see if you have the required materials to create another object, you can try this. I actually like that idea... I'll make a specialised code that allows you to do that. This can be improved to use actual object names rather than types (with some work and a bit more difficulty to an unseasoned DM Wizard), but this prototype should work: obj/sewing_kit verb/put_in(obj/O) set src in usr if(!istype(O,/obj/sewing)) usr << "You can't put that in [src]." else usr << "You put [O] in [src]." O.loc = src verb/sew(type in typesof(/obj/clothing)-/obj/clothing) var/obj/clothing = new type var/materials_to_use[0] for(var/F in clothing.materials) var/found = 0 for(var/obj/O in src) if(istype(O,F) && !materials_to_use.Find(O)) found = 1 materials_to_use += O if(!found) usr << "You are missing a required material to make an item of that type." del clothing return for(var/obj/doomed in materials) del(doomed) clothing.loc = usr usr << "You make a new []." obj/clothing var/materials[0] shirt/New() ..() materials += /obj/sewing/cloth materials += /obj/sewing/cloth materials += /obj/sewing/thread materials += /obj/sewing/elastic pants/New() ..() materials += /obj/sewing/...... obj/sewing gender = "plural" cloth thread I'll make a full-fledged version that allows you to put together "construction kits" easily, following a similar format but with a lot less code. (After all, though The Great Zipping removed my ability to work on my other games, I did include the clause that I will continue working on my tutorials and libraries! So here I go. =) |
In response to Spuzzum
I'll make a full-fledged version that allows you to put together "construction kits" easily, following a similar format but with a lot less code. Okay, here you go: [Garden of Eden Creation Kit] |
In response to Spuzzum
Okay, here you go: Its not the one in fallout, is it? |
In response to sunzoner
On 3/8/01 4:10 am sunzoner wrote:
Okay, here you go: No, it isn't. The name is similar, the acronym is similar, the ability to create something new from it is similar, but no, it's not quite the same. =) What it does is provide a code base to make little kits where you can assemble materials inside them, and then construct objects from them. So yes, if you wanted to make a GECK that could create a 60's suburb, then that's up to you. =) Next on my list is the Mr. Handy combining library, which allows you to stick object A together with object B to create object C. Stick object C together with object D to create the superobject E. Etc. If you wanted to make a robot that could walk your dog, clean your house, and otherwise be really "handy", then again that's up to you. =) |
In response to Spuzzum
You DA man Spuzz!
In response to karver
On 3/8/01 4:15 pm Karver wrote:
You DA man Spuzz! This is what i am saying. (Sorry for the "Mad About You" quote but it works...) |
ALso while yer at it, can you, and how can you, make the container have a verb to look what it's containing and do something with the contents to simulate putting together certain things in say a sewing kit and hitting a verb called sew to combine them into another article? Don't need all the code, just the verb and how to search what is in itself, if that's all possible?