Apr 23 2001, 3:07 am
ok can someone tell me how to put life bars in a stat window?
In response to Spuzzum
thats all very well, but i have my code set up a little differently, and i have no intention of recoding my mobs and objs to match that :D
all i need to know is how to make it appear in the stat panel, i already know the rest.... my stat panel looks like: mob Stat() if(statpanel("Stats")) stat("Strength: [usr.STR]") stat("Agility: [usr.DEX]") stat("Intelligence: [usr.INT]") stat("Constitution: [usr.CON]") stat("Health: ", 'meter.dmi') but this doesnt work... what should this line: stat("Health: ", 'meter.dmi') say? |
In response to Mloren
On 4/24/01 12:05 am Mloren wrote:
thats all very well, but i have my code set up a little differently, and i have no intention of recoding my mobs and objs to match that :D You need to compare the current value of health, and then display an obj with the appropriate icon. mob var/obj/health_meter New() health_meter = new ..() Stat() if(statpanel("Stats")) stat(...) //blah blah blah =) var/health = (src.HP/src.HP_MAX)*100 switch(health) if(1 to 10) health_meter.icon = 'meter1.dmi' if(11 to 20) health_meter.icon = 'meter2.dmi' if(21 to 30) ... if(91 to 100) health_meter.icon = 'meter10.dmi' stat("Health:",health_meter) |
In response to Spuzzum
What about a life bar over the mobs head when the mob is not at max health?
In response to karver
What if the Hp changes?
Was my code not sufficient?
health = 50
maxhealth = 100
src.meter = new
src.meter.num = (*30
name = ""
icon = 'meter.dmi'
icon_state = "0" //that's zero, not ( ) or O
var/num = 0
src.icon_state = "[round(src.num)]"