I want a say verb only to talk with mob/player
I want a attack verb only to attack a mob/enemy

but.. this code doesnt work.. any solution?

attack(M as mob/enemy in oview(1))

attack(M as mob/enemy in oview(1))

Ah. You're on the right track, but "as" can only be used with "input types"--mob, obj, num, text, and so on. What you probably need to do is something like this:

attack(mob/enemy/M as mob in oview(1))
usr << "[M] isn't an enemy!"
// Attack here...
In response to Gughunter
It works. Thank you.

With the verb whisper, in the list to talk, appears too the enemys and me. I only want to see other players.

susurrar(M as mob in view(10), msg as text)
set category = "Hablar"
if (!istype(M))
usr << "¡No puedes hablar a [M]!"
usr << "susurras a [M]: <font color=blue>[msg]</font>"
M << "[usr] te susurra: <font color=blue>[msg]</font>"

(ahh,its in spanish :-)
In response to Seryu
With the verb whisper, in the list to talk, appears too the enemys and me. I only want to see other players.

You'll probably have to create a special proc to handle this, like so:

proc/ListNonEnemies(mob/myUsr, myView)
var/L[0] // Create a list
for(var/mob/M in view(myUsr, myView))
if(!istype(M, /mob/enemy)) L += M // Add mob to list only if not an enemy
return L

mob/verb/whisper(M as mob in ListNonEnemies(usr, 10), T as text)
// And so on...

I *think* that should work, but I can't guarantee it!
In response to Gughunter
Here is the final code:

proc/ListNonEnemies(mob/myUsr, myView)
var/L[0] // Create a list
for(var/mob/M in view(myUsr, myView))
if(!istype(M, /mob/enemigo) & M!=usr) L += M // Add mob to list only if not an enemy (I add code to evite the player whisper him.)
return L

verb/susurrar(M as mob in ListNonEnemies(usr, 10), T as text)
set category = "Hablar"
usr << "susurras a [M]: <font color=blue>[T]</font>"
M << "[usr] te susurra: <font color=blue>[T]</font>"