
I know this was risen in the past, but I cant remember
how! :o)

So how can I disable the defauls Verbs panel on demand?



I tried setting client.show_verb_panel=0,
but it says:
"Cannot write to client.show_verb_panel."

Any ideas?
I tried setting client.show_verb_panel=0,
but it says:
"Cannot write to client.show_verb_panel."

Hmm... your example is spelled the way I have it copied from the release notes, so I think you're using the right syntax. You might want to put this in Bug Report.
In response to Gughunter
On 5/16/01 10:02 pm Gughunter wrote:
I tried setting client.show_verb_panel=0,
but it says:
"Cannot write to client.show_verb_panel."

Hmm... your example is spelled the way I have it copied from the release notes, so I think you're using the right syntax. You might want to put this in Bug Report.

Wait... are you doing that at run-time?

I think show_verb_panel is modifiable only at compile-time.
In response to Spuzzum
are you guys forgetting
cant you jes do this?

Say(msg as text)
set category = "whatever"

just a thought
In response to FIREking
cant you jes do this?

Sure--in fact, that may have been what he had in mind. I just had the impression he wanted to get rid of the tab panels altogether.
In response to FIREking
On 5/17/01 12:40 pm FIREking wrote:
are you guys forgetting

Like Guy said, not forgetting at all. I think Julio knew about that notation (though it is possible he didn't...).

Just interpreting differently. One way "disables the panel", the other way "disables the default and changes to another".
In response to Spuzzum
On 5/16/01 10:06 pm Spuzzum wrote:
Wait... are you doing that at run-time?

I think show_verb_panel is modifiable only at compile-time.

Yes, I was trying to do it in run-time, but I believe
it can only be done compile-time.

What I wanted to do is an observer mob, that will not
get those turf verbs that have "set src = view(0)".
The way it is now I have to put an extra check in
the verb to see if usr's type is legal, or else I
dump him a "You can't do this."

Is there a more robust solution?

