I'm sorta tired of seing medieval rpgs and dbz games, if you can't think of anything else to make try these
1. A western rpg set in the gold rush and regular western days
2. A Greek rpg set in greece, you can play as a custom made heroe or a regualar person or regular soldier.
3. A game where you and others compete to live on a medium smallish island with limited food and fresh water. if a tree is chopped, you'll have to wait for another to come. when you begin you start with basic survival gear(like matches, flashlight(limited battery), rations like a candy bar or sandwhich, ect.)
4. A cop vs robber game set in a fairly big city so the cops have to plan where robbers will strike. It should take a good amount of teamwork.
5.A Risk online game
6.A Egyptain rpg
7. A treasure hunter game where you can go all over the world at the exploration time.
well thats it for now.
![]() Jun 30 2001, 6:29 pm
4. A cop vs robber game set in a fairly big city so the cops have to plan where robbers will strike. It should take a good amount of teamwork. I still say this sort of thing would be better as superhero vs. supervillain, but other people have already begun working on those, so there's not really any pressing need. |
I still say this sort of thing would be better as >superhero vs. supervillain, but other people have already >begun working on those, so there's not really any pressing >need. Thing is some people may not want to play as a super powered person. they may want to fight crime with normalality-ey powers (or however it's spelt). besides, why stop crime using punches and kicks and powers that only hurt when you and shoot them and take them to jail. then once in jail the others may free him/her |
4. A cop vs robber game set in a fairly big city so the cops have to plan where robbers will strike. It should take a good amount of teamwork. Yep.. That's what I'm doing.. Stopping work on the Superhero game, halting ALL projects, and beginning work on.. Super-Mega-Over-Hyped-Certainly-Not-Sterotypical-Cops-And-Ro bbers-Game Tentative title, of course. Anyone have any ideas for a name, or ideas for the game? I'm doing number 4, in case you didn't know :) |
On 6/30/01 9:29 pm Geo wrote:
I'm sorta tired of seing medieval rpgs and dbz games, if you can't think of anything else to make try these 3. A game where you and others compete to live on a medium smallish island with limited food and fresh water. if a tree is chopped, you'll have to wait for another to come. when you begin you start with basic survival gear(like matches, flashlight(limited battery), rations like a candy bar or sandwhich, ect.) BYOND survivor??? Lets go to tribal council to vote out a trible member... |
1. A western rpg set in the gold rush and regular western days Guy is already making this. http://www.hiawathaland.com |
On 6/30/01 10:19 pm Geo wrote:
I still say this sort of thing would be better as >superhero vs. supervillain, but other people have already >begun working on those, so there's not really any pressing >need. I assume you mean shoot them with those sorts of bullets that only hold people in place until they're taken to jail, as opposed to the ones that maim and kill, right? Do you read comic books? Criminals apprehended by superheroes also end up in jail, for some reason... and if you're fighting criminals with punches and kicks and special energy projection powers that you have much more control over than the most skilled marksman has over a gun, there's a lot less chance of killing someone accidentally. |
On 6/30/01 9:29 pm Geo wrote:
I'm sorta tired of seing medieval rpgs and dbz games, if you can't think of anything else to make try these I'm torn right now. On the one hand, I'm sick of DBZ, too. On the other hand, it's extremely presumptuous to post a message to an entire community that says, "I'm sick of the games you're making. If you can't think of an idea I like, you will be provided with one." On still another hand, I only have two hands so I have to close this metaphor. Anyways, I'm guessing you didn't mean it to sound that way, but that's how it sounds. As it happens, one of my projects for the distant future is a dimension-spanning RPG that begins in a pseudo-feudal Japan setting and crosses through several others, including pseudo-western medieval Europe, pseudo-gothic eastern Europe, pseudo-heroic age Greece, pseudo-1,001 nights Arabia, and a few others. The working title is "Game That Allows Lexy To Use As Many of Her GURPS Books As Reference Material As Possible." |
The working title is "Game That Allows Lexy To Use As Many of Her GURPS Books As Reference Material As Possible." I've always wanted to get my hands on thousands of game systems, but I never had the money or the inclination. All I have in my collection right now is: BattleTech (FASA): - BattleTech 2nd Edition - BattleTech: Rules of Warfare - Mechwarrior: 2nd Edition - Mechwarrior: 1st Edition - Battle of Skye Scenario Pak - BattleTech: Maximum Tech - and an assortment of novels... AD&D / D&D (TSR / Wizards of the Coast): - AD&D Players' Guide (ca. 1979) - AD&D Dungeon Masters' Guide (ca. 1979) - D&D Basic Set - D&D Expert Set - D&D Companion Set - and reams of adventures and character booklets Kind of a sorry list, isn't it? I think I should spend a few years' worth of allowance on buying sourcebooks from all of the systems I can think of... but all I'm readily aware of are: Cyberpunk Shadowrun Earthdawn Runequest (Spell Law, Claw Law, Arms Law, etc.) GURPS Fudge So, uh, which other ones am I missing? (Talisman is the BEST! Okay, so it takes a night and a day to finish one session, but it's the BEST! I used to have all of that game's accessories and the stuff before I moved to my Mom's house and left it at my Dad's.) |
I assume you mean shoot them with those sorts of bullets >that only hold people in place until they're taken to >jail, as opposed to the ones that maim and kill, right? >Do you read comic books? Criminals apprehended by >superheroes also end up in jail, for some reason... and if >you're fighting criminals with punches and kicks and >special energy projection powers that you have much more >control over than the most skilled marksman has over a >gun, there's a lot less chance of killing someone >accidentally. But what then happens when the criminal shoots a cop? are they gonna just wanna stun him or kill him? suppose your partner (in the game) got killed by a criminal, it depends on you opinion whether or not you wanna kill him or take him to jail. |
I'm torn right now. On the one hand, I'm sick of DBZ, too. On the other hand, it's extremely presumptuous to post a message to an entire community that says, "I'm sick of the games you're making. If you can't think of an idea I like, you will be provided with one." On still another hand, I only have two hands so I have to close this metaphor. I knew it'd sound like that. I tried making it sound like if you don't have a idea so you just wanna decide to make a game of one of them you can use those ideas. |
On 6/30/01 9:29 pm Geo wrote:
I'm sorta tired of seing medieval rpgs and dbz games, if you can't think of anything else to make try these I recently thought of making a Mechwarrior type game. You would basically be able to choose from different Battlemechs, customize it with SRMs, PPCs, Lasers, etc., and choose an arena to fight in. Sounded to me like a good game for getting together with your friends and having fun. Might even put in teams to add to the gameplay. What you think about that? |
So, uh, which other ones am I missing? Call of Cthulhu, Deadlands, and, if you're willing to do a little hunting, Paranoia and TWERPS. On the Internet, The Window is the best system I've found, though it may be too minimalist for some players' tastes. |
I recently thought of making a Mechwarrior type game. You >would basically be able to choose from different >Battlemechs, customize it with SRMs, PPCs, Lasers, etc., >and choose an arena to fight in. Sounded to me like a good >game for getting together with your friends and having >fun. Might even put in teams to add to the gameplay. That would be cool. I have mechwarrior 2 and it was fun(hard though) but I couldn't play it online because I'm behind a firewall or something esle wouldn't work. |
On 7/1/01 2:36 pm Geo wrote:
I recently thought of making a Mechwarrior type game. You >would basically be able to choose from different >Battlemechs, customize it with SRMs, PPCs, Lasers, etc., >and choose an arena to fight in. Sounded to me like a good >game for getting together with your friends and having >fun. Might even put in teams to add to the gameplay. Well, what I'm thinking of obviously wouldn't have a first person view like the actual Mechwarrior games. But I don't think that would cut out any of the fun =) |
Well, what I'm thinking of obviously wouldn't have a >first person view like the actual Mechwarrior games. But I >don't think that would cut out any of the fun =) I already knew. anyways I don't think byond could do first person view. |
(Talisman is the BEST! Okay, so it takes a night and a day to finish one session, but it's the BEST! I used to have all of that game's accessories and the stuff before I moved to my Mom's house and left it at my Dad's.) Second Edition? |
On 7/1/01 2:42 pm Geo wrote:
Well, what I'm thinking of obviously wouldn't have a >first person view like the actual Mechwarrior games. But I >don't think that would cut out any of the fun =) It could... it would just have to be more Ultima 1 dungeons/Bard's Tale/Forgotten Realms Gold Box style first person than Quake III. |
Those are some good ideas.. I think I'll make the survival one, number 3 or number 4 (with hacking in the game!)