![]() Jul 7 2001, 6:54 pm
There are more non-DBZ games than DBZ games online right now!!!!
hmm, in your title you sayed Hello julia but I havn't heard of anyone named julia or seen anything about it in your post.
On 7/7/01 11:26 pm Geo wrote:
hmm, in your title you sayed Hello julia but I havn't heard of anyone named julia or seen anything about it in your post. Hellojulia is a play on the word "Hallelujah". |
On 7/7/01 9:54 pm LexyBitch wrote:
There are more non-DBZ games than DBZ games online right now!!!! right now there are ONLY DBZ games.... |
Hmm... currently I'm thinking divine influence, but I'm also thinking widespread blackouts or mass hysteria might be possible causes. Other likely explanations include a bizarre superflu virus which only targets anime fans, a latent computer virus cleverly embedded in widespread DBZ code, or being trapped in the Twilight Zone. Or possibly Morte paid off the Mafia to "take care of the competition." And I'm not ready to rule out a sudden anti-DBZ rebellion led by a rogue band of mutant cyber monkey-ninjas, either.
God bless the mutant cyber monkey-ninjas.