I'm wondering if there is a method that gives a mob's direction relative to another one? I am fairly certain there isn't, but just in case.
If there is no such method, could somebody please direct me to the method to ascertain a mob's x,y coordinates? I saw loc but I am not sure how to use this in the context of my program to compare mobs' relative position.
On another topic, I have been searching through the helpfile and I have seen the command fcopy. I am interested in using this to transfer a player save file onto the host computer, in conjunction with Deadron's character saving and loading library (thank you Deadron). I realize that this should just be placed at the beginning of my own personal login function, but I am unsure as to the usage of fcopy itself, I want to send the save file named after the user key to the corresponding directory letter automatically.
Thanks in advance for any help anybody can give me, and even if you have something not necessarily applicable, post anyway because I am trying to pick up as much as possible
![]() Aug 18 2001, 10:10 pm
Thanks a lot! I will follow up on your advice and give the reference a more thorough reading
LexyBitch wrote: Cybergen wrote: |
get_dir(ref1,ref2) The arguments can be any objects on the map. I suggest, if you haven't already, reading the entire reference from start to finish... and if you have, read it again. There's no better way to get a general idea of all the things that BYOND has built-in.
.loc is the object that contains the object... if t.loc == u, u.contents will include t. The location of an object on the map is predictably stored in the variables .x,.y, and .z.